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The functional architecture, receptive field characteristics, and representation of objects in the visual network of the pigeon brain.
Progress in Neurobiology ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2020.101781
William James Clark 1 , Michael Colombo 1

We provide an extensive review of the pigeon visual system, focussing on the known cell types, receptive field characteristics, mechanisms of perception/visual attention, and projection profiles of neurons in the thalamofugal and tectofugal pathways. The similarities and differences with the primate visual system at each stage of the visual hierarchy are highlighted. We conclude with a discussion of object and face processing in birds, as well as the current state of knowledge in the search for face-selective neurons in the avian visual system.



我们对鸽子视觉系统进行了广泛的回顾,重点介绍了已知的细胞类型、感受野特征、感知/视觉注意机制以及 thalamofugal 和 tectofugal 通路中神经元的投射特征。突出了视觉层次结构每个阶段与灵长类视觉系统的异同。我们最后讨论了鸟类的物体和面部处理,以及在鸟类视觉系统中寻找面部选择性神经元的当前知识状态。
