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Characterization of Guaiene Synthases from Stellera chamaejasme L. Flowers and Their Application in De novo Production of (-)-Rotundone in Yeast.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-02 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b08303
Tianyue An 1, 2 , Linsheng Li 1, 2 , Ying Lin 1 , Fanqi Zeng 2 , Pengcheng Lin 3 , Jiachen Zi 1, 2

Four terpene synthases for the biosynthesis of volatile terpenoids were identified from the transcriptome of Stellera chamaejasme L. flowers, including SchTPS1, SchTPS2, SchTPS3, and SchTPS4. Their functions were characterized by synthetic biology approaches in Escherichia coli and in vitro enzymatic assays. SchTPS1, SchTPS2, and SchTPS3 are guaiene synthases, while SchTPS4 is an (E,E)-geranyl linalool synthase. Next, SchTPS1 and α-guaiene 2-oxidase VvSTO2 were co-expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to reconstruct the biosynthetic pathway of (-)-rotundone, which is a unique aroma compound in fruits, vegetables, and wines. This is the first report for the construction of a (-)-rotundone-producing microbial platform.



从Stellera chamaejasme L.花朵的转录组中鉴定出四种用于生物合成挥发性萜类化合物的萜烯合酶,包括SchTPS1,SchTPS2,SchTPS3和SchTPS4。它们的功能通过大肠杆菌中的合成生物学方法和体外酶促测定来表征。SchTPS1,SchTPS2和SchTPS3是愈创木酚合酶,而SchTPS4是(E,E)-香叶基芳樟醇合酶。接下来,在酿酒酵母中共表达SchTPS1和α-guaiene 2-氧化酶VvSTO2,以重建(-)-罗丹酮的生物合成途径,这是水果,蔬菜和葡萄酒中的独特香气化合物。这是构建(-)雄酮生产微生物平台的第一份报告。