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Synthesis and characterization of Bi-BiPO4 nanocomposites as plasmonic photocatalysts for oxidative NO removal
Applied Surface Science ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.145775
Meijuan Chen , Xinwei Li , Yu Huang , Jie Yao , Yan Li , Shun-cheng Lee , Wingkei Ho , Tingting Huang , Kehao Chen

Abstract Bi metal–BiPO4 (Bi-BPO) nanocomposites formed by in situ solvothermal reduction were employed as plasmonic photocatalysts for oxidative NO removal, achieving a removal efficiency of 32.8% in a continuous NO flow (400 ppb) under illumination with visible light. This high performance was ascribed to the generation of energetic hot electrons (and their subsequent surface chemical reactions) due to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of Bi metal, as validated by numerical simulations. The combined results of density functional theory (DFT) calculations and electrochemical analysis revealed that hot electrons are transferred from Bi metal to BPO via the Bi-BPO interface. DFT calculations further showed that enhanced O2 activation on the Bi-BPO interface facilitates the generation of both superoxide ( O2−) and hydroxyl ( OH) radicals, as confirmed by electron spin resonance, while in situ DRIFTS analysis demonstrated that NO is activated on the Bi-BPO interface and then oxidized to nitrates. Thus, this work highlights the SPR effects of Bi metal and promoted O2 and NO activation in plasmonic photocatalysis, showing that the adopted approach can be generalized to design efficient and cost-effective photocatalytic systems for the removal of other gaseous pollutants.


Bi-BiPO4 纳米复合材料作为等离子体光催化剂用于氧化 NO 去除的合成和表征

摘要 采用原位溶剂热还原形成的 Bi 金属-BiPO4 (Bi-BPO) 纳米复合材料作为等离子体光催化剂用于氧化性 NO 去除,在可见光照射下,在连续的 NO 流(400 ppb)中去除效率达到 32.8%。正如数值模拟所证实的那样,这种高性能归因于铋金属的表面等离子体共振 (SPR) 产生的高能热电子(及其随后的表面化学反应)。密度泛函理论 (DFT) 计算和电化学分析的综合结果表明,热电子通过 Bi-BPO 界面从 Bi 金属转移到 BPO。DFT 计算进一步表明,Bi-BPO 界面上增强的 O2 活化促进了超氧化物 (O2-) 和羟基 (OH) 自由基的产生,正如电子自旋共振所证实的那样,而原位 DRIFTS 分析表明 NO 在 Bi-BPO 界面上被激活,然后被氧化成硝酸盐。因此,这项工作突出了 Bi 金属的 SPR 效应,并在等离子体光催化中促进了 O2 和 NO 的活化,表明所采用的方法可以推广到设计有效且具有成本效益的光催化系统以去除其他气态污染物。