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Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of Catalytic Reactions in Cu2O Crystals
ACS Photonics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.9b01704
G. X. Ni 1 , S. Chen 2 , S. S. Sunku 1, 3 , A. Sternbach 1 , A. S. McLeod 1 , L. Xiong 1 , M. M. Fogler 4 , G. Chen 2 , D. N. Basov 1

Many of the existing electrochemical catalysts suffer from poor selectivity, instability, and low exchange current densities. These shortcomings call for a comprehensive exploration of the catalytic processes at the fundamental nanometer length scale levels. Here we exploit infrared (IR) nanoimaging and nanospectroscopy to directly visualize catalytic reactions on the surface of Cu2O polyhedral single crystals with nanoscale spatial resolution. Nano-IR data revealed signatures of this common catalyst after electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxides (CO2). We discuss the utility of nano-IR methods for surface/facet engineering of efficient electrochemical catalysts.


纳米红外光谱和Cu 2 O晶体中催化反应的成像

许多现有的电化学催化剂具有差的选择性,不稳定性和低的交换电流密度。这些缺点要求在基本的纳米长度尺度水平上全面探索催化过程。在这里,我们利用红外(IR)纳米成像和纳米光谱技术直接可视化具有纳米级空间分辨率的Cu 2 O多面体单晶表面上的催化反应。纳米IR数据揭示了在电化学还原二氧化碳(CO 2)后这种普通催化剂的特征。我们讨论了纳米IR方法在高效电化学催化剂表面/面工程中的实用性。