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Practical Applications of Superhydrophobic Materials and Coatings: Problems and Perspectives.
Langmuir ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-12 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b03908
H Yildirim Erbil 1

Synthetic superhydrophobic (SH) surfaces were developed after 1990s, and the number of publications in this field is around 13 500 at present. However, the industrial production of SH coatings is very unsatisfying after the intensive research activity in the last two decades. The main reason is the loss of the water repellence properties when SH surfaces are exposed to outdoor conditions due to their weak mechanical properties and contamination from the medium which removes the initial SH properties. In this Feature Article, we focus on the scientific and technical reasons which prevent the application of the SH surfaces in our daily lives by highlighting some well-known but mostly overlooked problems in this area. (The synthesis methods of SH surfaces are not the subject of this article since they were reviewed previously in very good articles.) The basic contact angle science and the issue of the cancellation of the Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter equations are reviewed in the first part. The issues of the expensive and small-scale SH surface preparation problems, the difficulties in obtaining a transparent SH surface, the troubles arising from the water vapor condensation on an SH surface, the lack of robustness and abrasion resistance of most of the SH surfaces, the drawbacks of the fabricated self-healing SH surfaces, the short useful service life of self-cleaning SH surfaces due to surface contamination, and the ineffective anti-icing SH coatings are reviewed in the following text. Some important problems affecting the unsuccessful industrial applications of the SH surfaces are discussed critically in the Conclusions and Outlook section. Finally, some proposals are presented for future directions on the synthesis and applications of SH surfaces.



合成的超疏水(SH)表面是在1990年代后开发的,目前该领域的出版物数量约为13 500。然而,在过去的二十年中,经过大量的研究活动,SH涂料的工业生产非常不令人满意。主要原因是SH表面暴露于室外环境时,由于其较弱的机械性能和来自介质的污染而丧失了最初的SH性能,因此其疏水性能丧失。在这篇专题文章中,我们重点介绍了一些科学技术原因,这些问题阻止了SH面层在我们的日常生活中的应用,着重强调了该领域中一些众所周知但大多数情况下被忽略的问题。(SH表面的合成方法不是本文的主题,因为以前在非常好的文章中对它们进行了综述。在第一部分中,我们讨论了基本接触角科学以及Wenzel和Cassie-Baxter方程的抵消问题。昂贵和小规模的SH表面制备问题,难以获得透明SH表面的问题,由SH表面上的水蒸气冷凝引起的问题,大多数SH表面缺乏坚固性和耐磨性的问题,在下文中将对所制造的自修复SH表面的缺点,由于表面污染导致的自清洁SH表面的使用寿命短以及无效的防冰SH涂层进行综述。在“结论与展望”部分中,对影响SH表面工业应用失败的一些重要问题进行了重要讨论。最后,