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An atypical short-chain dehydrogenase-reductase functions in the relaxation of photoprotective qH in Arabidopsis.
Nature Plants ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-13 , DOI: 10.1038/s41477-020-0591-9
Cynthia L Amstutz 1, 2 , Rikard Fristedt 3, 4 , Alex Schultink 2 , Sabeeha S Merchant 2, 4, 5, 6 , Krishna K Niyogi 1, 2, 7 , Alizée Malnoë 1, 2, 7, 8

Photosynthetic organisms experience wide fluctuations in light intensity and regulate light harvesting accordingly to prevent damage from excess energy. The antenna quenching component qH is a sustained form of energy dissipation that protects the photosynthetic apparatus under stress conditions. This photoprotective mechanism requires the plastid lipocalin LCNP and is prevented by SUPPRESSOR OF QUENCHING1 (SOQ1) under non-stress conditions. However, the molecular mechanism of qH relaxation has yet to be resolved. Here, we isolated and characterized RELAXATION OF QH1 (ROQH1), an atypical short-chain dehydrogenase-reductase that functions as a qH-relaxation factor in Arabidopsis. The ROQH1 gene belongs to the GreenCut2 inventory specific to photosynthetic organisms, and the ROQH1 protein localizes to the chloroplast stroma lamellae membrane. After a cold and high-light treatment, qH does not relax in roqh1 mutants and qH does not occur in leaves overexpressing ROQH1. When the soq1 and roqh1 mutations are combined, qH can neither be prevented nor relaxed and soq1 roqh1 displays constitutive qH and light-limited growth. We propose that LCNP and ROQH1 perform dosage-dependent, antagonistic functions to protect the photosynthetic apparatus and maintain light-harvesting efficiency in plants.


一种非典型的短链脱氢酶还原酶在拟南芥光保护性 qH 的松弛中起作用。

光合生物的光强度波动很大,并相应地调节光的收集,以防止能量过剩造成的损害。天线猝灭分量 qH 是一种持续的能量耗散形式,可在压力条件下保护光合装置。这种光保护机制需要质体脂质运载蛋白 LCNP,并且在非应激条件下被 SUPRESSOR OF QUENCHING1 (SOQ1) 阻止。然而,qH弛豫的分子机制尚未得到解决。在这里,我们分离并表征了 QH1 (ROQH1) 的松弛,这是一种在拟南芥中作为 qH 松弛因子起作用的非典型短链脱氢酶还原酶。ROQH1 基因属于特定于光合生物的 GreenCut2 库存,并且 ROQH1 蛋白定位于叶绿体基质薄片膜。在冷和高光处理后, roqh1 突变体中的 qH 不会松弛,并且在 ROQH1 过表达的叶子中不会出现 qH。当 soq1 和 roqh1 突变结合时,qH 既不能被阻止也不能放松,soq1 roqh1 显示组成型 qH 和光限制生长。我们建议 LCNP 和 ROQH1 发挥剂量依赖性、拮抗作用,以保护植物的光合装置并保持光捕获效率。