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ATM and PRDM9 regulate SPO11-bound recombination intermediates during meiosis.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14654-w
Jacob Paiano 1, 2 , Wei Wu 1 , Shintaro Yamada 3, 4 , Nicholas Sciascia 1, 5 , Elsa Callen 1 , Ana Paola Cotrim 1 , Rajashree A Deshpande 6, 7 , Yaakov Maman 1 , Amanda Day 1 , Tanya T Paull 6, 7 , André Nussenzweig 1

Meiotic recombination is initiated by SPO11-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs). In most mammals, the methyltransferase PRDM9 guides SPO11 targeting, and the ATM kinase controls meiotic DSB numbers. Following MRE11 nuclease removal of SPO11, the DSB is resected and loaded with DMC1 filaments for homolog invasion. Here, we demonstrate the direct detection of meiotic DSBs and resection using END-seq on mouse spermatocytes with low sample input. We find that DMC1 limits both minimum and maximum resection lengths, whereas 53BP1, BRCA1 and EXO1 play surprisingly minimal roles. Through enzymatic modifications to END-seq, we identify a SPO11-bound meiotic recombination intermediate (SPO11-RI) present at all hotspots. We propose that SPO11-RI forms because chromatin-bound PRDM9 asymmetrically blocks MRE11 from releasing SPO11. In Atm-/- spermatocytes, trapped SPO11 cleavage complexes accumulate due to defective MRE11 initiation of resection. Thus, in addition to governing SPO11 breakage, ATM and PRDM9 are critical local regulators of mammalian SPO11 processing.


ATM 和 PRDM9 在减数分裂过程中调节 SPO11 结合的重组中间体。

减数分裂重组由 SPO11 诱导的双链断裂 (DSB) 启动。在大多数哺乳动物中,甲基转移酶 PRDM9 指导 SPO11 靶向,ATM 激酶控制减数分裂 DSB 数量。 MRE11 核酸酶去除 SPO11 后,切除 DSB 并加载 DMC1 丝以进行同源入侵。在这里,我们演示了使用 END-seq 在低样本输入的小鼠精母细胞上直接检测减数分裂 DSB 和切除。我们发现 DMC1 限制了最小和最大切除长度,而 53BP1、BRCA1 和 EXO1 的作用却令人惊讶地最小。通过对 END-seq 进行酶促修饰,我们鉴定出所有热点中都存在 SPO11 结合的减数分裂重组中间体 (SPO11-RI)。我们认为 SPO11-RI 的形成是因为染色质结合的 PRDM9 不对称地阻止 MRE11 释放 SPO11。在 Atm-/- 精母细胞中,由于 MRE11 启动切除的缺陷,被捕获的 SPO11 裂解复合物会积聚。因此,除了控制 SPO11 断裂之外,ATM 和 PRDM9 也是哺乳动物 SPO11 加工的关键局部调节因子。