Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology; Budapest University of Technology and Economics; Műegyetem rkp. 3. 1111 Budapest Hungary
Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Center; Physical Science and Engineering Division (PSE); King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); 23955-6900 Thuwal Saudi Arabia
Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science; The University of Manchester; The Mill, Sackville Street M1 3BB Manchester United Kingdom
Chemical Crystallography Research Laboratory and Institute of Organic Chemistry; Research Centre for Natural Sciences; Magyar tudósok körútja 2. 1519 Budapest Hungary
Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry; Budapest University of Technology and Economics; Szent Gellért tér 4. 1111 Budapest Hungary
The enantioseparation of dialkyl‐arylphosphine oxides was elaborated, and five phosphine oxides were prepared with ee higher than 94 %. It was shown that these resolutions can be performed on gram scale, and can give both enantiomers of a phosphine oxide. It was demonstrated that organic solvent nanofiltration can serve as an alternative method of column chromatography for the recovery of the P‐oxide enantiomers and the resolving agents.