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“TAVI: Valve in valve. A new field for structuralists? Literature review”
Hellenic Journal of Cardiology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hjc.2019.10.016
Dimitrios A Vrachatis 1 , Michail Vavuranakis 2 , Styliani Tsoukala 1 , Sotiria Giotaki 3 , Theodore G Papaioannou 4 , Gerasimos Siasos 4 , Gerasimos Deftereos 1 , Georgios Giannopoulos 1 , Konstantinos Raisakis 1 , Dimitrios Tousoulis 4 , Spyridon Deftereos 3 , Manolis Vavuranakis 2

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) led to the foundation of the subspecialty of structural heart interventions and created an emerging area of clinical and technical issues. Soon after TAVI introduction into clinical practice, boundaries were expanded with utilization of valve-in-valve (V-i-V) techniques. V-i-V comprised a diverse subset of patients including TAVI within TAVI, TAVI within a degenerated surgically implanted bioprosthesis, or even TAVI-in-TAVI-in-surgical bioprosthesis. In the present review, we summarize the available literature and present initial experience on the field in Greece.



经导管主动脉瓣植入术 (TAVI) 奠定了结构性心脏介入亚专业的基础,并创造了一个新兴的临床和技术问题领域。在 TAVI 引入临床实践后不久,随着瓣中瓣 (ViV) 技术的使用,边界得到了扩展。ViV 包括不同的患者子集,包括 TAVI 内的 TAVI、退化手术植入的生物假体内的 TAVI,甚至 TAVI-in-TAVI-in-surgical 生物假体。在本综述中,我们总结了现有文献并介绍了希腊该领域的初步经验。
