Heat and Mass Transfer ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s00231-018-2417-0 Farhad Hekmatipour , Milad Jalali , Farzad Hekmatipour , Mohammad A. Akhavan-Behabadi , B. Sajadi
In this pioneering work, mixed convection heat transfer and pressure drop of the CuO -HTO nanofluid flow in the inclined Microfin pipe is studied experimentally. The flow regime is laminar and temperature of the pipe wall is stable. The influence of nanoparticle and Richardson number on the mixed convection is studied as Richardson number is from 0.1 to 0.7. The results demonstrate that mixed convection heat transfer rate rise substantially with the promotion of nanoparticle mass concentration. Based on the empirical results, the four equations are recommended to be utilised for appraisal of nanofluid flow Nusselt number and Darcy friction factor in term of Richardson number and nanoparticle mass concentration with the peaked deflection of 16%. Moreover, the four equations put forward to appraise the Nusselt number based on the Rayleigh number in inclined pipe from 2,000,000 to 7,000,000. A new correlation is acquired to anticipate the flow Darcy friction factor in the inclined Microfin pipe. Accordingly, the maximum figure of merit is 1.61% which is achieved with 1.5% nanoparticles mass concentration and an inclined angle of 30° at the Richardson number of 0.7. These results show that using nanoparticles is more in favour of heat transfer enhancement rather than in the increase of the pressure drop.

在这项开创性工作中,实验研究了倾斜的微翅片管中CuO -HTO纳米流体的混合对流传热和压降。流动状态为层流,管壁温度稳定。研究了纳米粒子和理查森数对混合对流的影响,理查森数为0.1到0.7。结果表明,混合对流传热速率随着纳米颗粒质量浓度的提高而显着提高。根据经验结果,建议使用四个方程式以Richardson数和纳米粒子质量浓度的形式评估纳米流体的努塞尔数和达西摩擦系数,其峰值挠度为16%。此外,提出了四个方程,根据倾斜管道中的瑞利数(从2,000,000到7,000,000)评估Nusselt数。获取新的相关性,以预测倾斜的Microfin管中的流量达西摩擦系数。因此,最大的品质因数是1.61%,这是通过1.5%的纳米颗粒质量浓度和在0.7的理查森数下的30°的倾斜角实现的。这些结果表明,使用纳米颗粒更有利于增强传热,而不是增加压降。纳米粒子质量浓度为5%,理查森数为0.7时的倾斜角为30°。这些结果表明,使用纳米颗粒更有利于增强传热,而不是增加压降。纳米粒子质量浓度为5%,理查森数为0.7时的倾斜角为30°。这些结果表明,使用纳米颗粒更有利于增强传热,而不是增加压降。