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Total oxidation of benzene over cobalt-aluminum mixed oxides prepared from layered double hydroxides: influence of preparation methods
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11144-016-0985-x
Yuanyuan Ding , Yanyu Fan , Xiaofeng Wei , Dalin Li , Yihong Xiao , Lilong Jiang

The influence of the preparation methods of Co-Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) on the structural and catalytic properties of Co-Al mixed oxides for benzene total oxidation was investigated. Various Co-Al LDHs were synthesized via constant pH precipitation, decreasing pH precipitation, and urea homogeneous precipitation. The synthesized samples were characterized by using N2 physical adsorption, ICP, XRD, TG–DTA, SEM, and H2-TPR. The characterization results showed that calcination of Co-Al LDHs gave rise to Co-Al mixed oxides consisting of Co(Co, Al)2O4 spinel as the main phase, which showed relatively small crystallite size and high specific surface area, i.e., ~12 nm, 90–100 m2 g cat −1 . The highest catalytic activity was obtained on the Co-Al mixed oxide prepared by decreasing pH precipitation, followed by that prepared by constant pH precipitation, while the Co-Al mixed oxide prepared by urea homogeneous precipitation was much less active. The activity difference can be related to the different reducibility of Co3+ species in Co(Co, Al)2O4 spinel.



研究了Co-Al层状双氢氧化物(LDHs)的制备方法对Co-Al混合氧化物对苯全氧化的结构和催化性能的影响。通过恒定的pH沉淀,降低的pH沉淀和尿素均匀沉淀合成了各种Co-Al LDH。使用N 2物理吸附,ICP,XRD,TG-DTA,SEM和H 2 -TPR对合成样品进行表征。表征结果表明,Co-Al LDHs的煅烧产生了以Co(Co,Al)2 O 4尖晶石为主相的Co-Al混合氧化物,其晶粒尺寸较小,比表面积较高,即〜12 nm,90–100 m 2  g -1 。通过降低pH沉淀制备的Co-Al混合氧化物获得了最高的催化活性,随后通过恒定pH沉淀获得的催化活性最高,而通过尿素均相沉淀制备的Co-Al混合氧化物的活性低得多。活性差异可能与Co(Co,Al) 2 O 4尖晶石中Co 3+种类的不同还原性有关。
