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Minimum longevity and age-related male plumage in Darwin’s finches on Floreana Island
Journal of Ornithology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10336-019-01626-1
Ashley Langton , Sonia Kleindorfer

Several Darwin’s finch populations on the Galapagos Islands are declining and/or locally extinct. Acoustic surveys provide useful information about population size, but do not provide information on the age or morphology of birds. This study uses mist netting data collected during 2004–2016 on Floreana Island with the aim of evaluating minimum longevity in Darwin’s finches. The study species are the Small Tree Finch (Camarhynchus parvulus), hybrid tree finches (Camarhynchus spp.), Medium Tree Finch (Camarhynchus pauper), and Small Ground Finch (Geospiza fuliginosa). In total, 1032 Darwin’s finches were mist netted and 86 of 707 males and 14 of 325 females were recaptured across years. We used the proportion of black plumage to age males, and the age at first capture plus the number of years between recapture to estimate minimum longevity. Minimum longevity ranged from 12 to 15 years and was lowest in the critically endangered C. pauper (12 years). The average number of years between first capture and last recapture was significantly lower in females than in males. Because long-term mist netting provides information on age structure, recruitment and longevity in males and females, it should be a key component of effective conservation planning.



加拉巴哥群岛上一些达尔文的雀科种群正在减少和/或在当地灭绝。声学调查提供有关种群数量的有用信息,但不提供有关鸟的年龄或形态的信息。这项研究使用了2004-2016年在Floreana岛上收集的薄雾网数据,目的是评估达尔文雀科的最小寿命。研究物种是小树雀(Camarhynchus parvulus),混合树雀(Camarhynchus spp。),中树雀(Camarhynchus pauper)和小地雀(Geopiza fuliginosa))。多年来,共有1032只达尔文的雀科被薄雾网捕,707只雄性中的86只和325只雌性中的14只被重新捕获。我们使用黑色羽毛在成年雄性中所占的比例,以及首次被捕的年龄加上两次被捕之间的年数来估计最低寿命。最低寿命为12至15岁,在极度濒危的C.贫民窟中最低(12岁)。女性第一次捕获和最后一次捕获之间的平均年数显着低于男性。由于长期的薄雾网提供了有关男性和女性的年龄结构,募集和寿命的信息,因此它应该是有效保护规划的重要组成部分。