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High-resolution sequence divisions and stratigraphic models of the Amu Darya right bank
Arabian Journal of Geosciences Pub Date : 2019-03-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s12517-019-4416-y
Chongyang Wu , Bingsong Yu , Hongjun Wang , Chuanjie Cheng , Zhuang Ruan , Tongcui Guo , Liangjie Zhang , Muwei Cheng

The Amu Darya Basin in Turkmenistan is a large petroliferous sedimentary basin. We analyzed the Callovian-Oxfordian succession of the Amu Darya right bank area based on Vail’s classic sequence stratigraphy and drill core, logging, seismic, thin-section petrographic, and geochemical data. We found that the Callovian-Oxfordian sequence can be divided into five third-order sequences (SQ1–SQ5) and 15 fourth-order sequences (sq1–sq15). A stratigraphic framework for the study area was newly established, based on these high-resolution sequence divisions. Two types of carbonate platform models were developed: (i) Callovian, in which the region was likely a ramp platform with a gradual slope to the east. It is mainly developedouter ramp and mid-ramp facies deposition which consists of micritic limestones, shoal grainstones, and reef limestones; (ii) Oxfordian, during which the region likely evolved into a rimmed platform with highly disparate sedimentation rates (low in the east) that were sensitive to sea level change, and a starkly different sedimentary landform that was high in the west and low in the east.


Amu Darya右岸的高分辨率层序划分和地层模型

土库曼斯坦的Amu Darya盆地是一个大型的含油沉积盆地。我们基于韦尔的经典层序地层和钻芯,测井,地震,薄层岩石学和地球化学数据,分析了阿姆河(Amu Darya)右岸地区的卡洛夫时代-牛津时代演替。我们发现Callovian-Oxfordian序列可以分为五个三阶序列(SQ1-SQ5)和15个四阶序列(sq1-sq15)。基于这些高分辨率层序划分,新建立了研究区域的地层框架。开发了两种类型的碳酸盐台地模型:(i)Callovian,其中该地区可能是一个向东逐渐倾斜的斜坡平台。它主要发育于斜坡和中斜坡相沉积,主要由微粉质灰岩,浅滩粒状石和礁灰岩组成。