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Nanopore‐Based Protein Sequencing Using Biopores: Current Achievements and Open Challenges
Small Methods ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-03 , DOI: 10.1002/smtd.201900595
Alina Asandei 1 , Giovanni Di Muccio 2 , Irina Schiopu 1 , Loredana Mereuta 3 , Isabela S. Dragomir 1 , Mauro Chinappi 2 , Tudor Luchian 3

The synergy of life sciences discoveries, biomolecular and protein engineering advances, and groundbreaking nanofabrication technologies, has introduced over the past years the wide use of the nanopore‐based investigations of matter at the molecular level. This review focuses on the fundamental principles of α‐hemolysin (α‐HL) protein‐based nanopores, as sensitive investigative tools that combine single‐molecule detection with the ability to simultaneously manipulate single molecules, in otherwise complex samples. Herein, there are presented some of the efforts directed to control the capture dynamics and translocation speed of tailored polypeptides through the α‐HL nanopore, by harnessing the electro‐osmotic flow and nanopore‐tweezing influence on individual molecules, which are engineered to resemble macrodipoles. The reported applications of this approach suggest a solution to enhance the temporal resolution of nanopore detection, prove the capability of the system in distinguishing between groups of distinct amino acids from the studied polypeptides, and propose a strategy to translate such single‐molecule sensors in devices suitable for polypeptide sequencing at unimolecular level.



生命科学发现,生物分子和蛋白质工程技术的进步以及突破性的纳米制造技术的协同作用,在过去几年中已广泛引入了基于纳米孔的物质研究的分子水平。这篇综述着重于基于α-溶血素(α-HL)蛋白质的纳米孔的基本原理,它是将单分子检测与同时操作单个分子的能力相结合的灵敏的研究工具,可以用于复杂样品中。本文介绍了通过控制电渗流和纳米孔对单个分子的影响来控制定制的多肽通过α-HL纳米孔的捕获动力学和易位速度的一些工作,这些分子被设计成类似于大偶极子。 。