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Carbon dioxide electroreduction on single-atom nickel decorated carbon membranes with industry compatible current densities.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-30 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14402-0
Hengpan Yang 1 , Qing Lin 1 , Chao Zhang 1 , Xinyao Yu 1 , Zhong Cheng 1 , Guodong Li 1 , Qi Hu 1 , Xiangzhong Ren 1 , Qianling Zhang 1 , Jianhong Liu 1 , Chuanxin He 1

Carbon dioxide electroreduction provides a useful source of carbon monoxide, but comparatively few catalysts could be sustained at current densities of industry level. Herein, we construct a high-yield, flexible and self-supported single-atom nickel-decorated porous carbon membrane catalyst. This membrane possesses interconnected nanofibers and hierarchical pores, affording abundant effective nickel single atoms that participate in carbon dioxide reduction. Moreover, the excellent mechanical strength and well-distributed nickel atoms of this membrane combines gas-diffusion and catalyst layers into one architecture. This integrated membrane could be directly used as a gas diffusion electrode to establish an extremely stable three-phase interface for high-performance carbon dioxide electroreduction, producing carbon monoxide with a 308.4 mA cm-2 partial current density and 88% Faradaic efficiency for up to 120 h. We hope this work will provide guidance for the design and application of carbon dioxide electro-catalysts at the potential industrial scale.



二氧化碳的电还原提供了一氧化碳的有用来源,但是在目前的工业水平密度下,可以维持的催化剂相对较少。本文中,我们构建了一种高产,灵活,自支撑的单原子镍修饰多孔碳膜催化剂。该膜具有相互连接的纳米纤维和分层的孔,可提供参与二氧化碳还原的大量有效镍单原子。此外,该膜的优异机械强度和分布良好的镍原子将气体扩散层和催化剂层结合为一种结构。这种集成的膜可以直接用作气体扩散电极,以建立用于高效二氧化碳电还原的极其稳定的三相界面,从而产生308的一氧化碳。4 mA cm-2的部分电流密度和88%的法拉第效率,长达120小时。我们希望这项工作能够为潜在的工业规模的二氧化碳电催化剂的设计和应用提供指导。