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Promoting the Electrocatalytic Performance of Noble Metal Aerogels by Ligand-Directed Modulation.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-28 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.201913079
Xuelin Fan 1 , Swen Zerebecki 2 , Ran Du 1 , René Hübner 3 , Galina Marzum 2 , Guocan Jiang 1 , Yue Hu 4 , Stephan Barcikowki 2 , Sven Reichenberger 2 , Alexander Eychmüller 1

Noble metal aerogels (NMAs) are an emerging class of porous materials. Embracing nano-sized highly-active noble metals and porous structures, they display unprecedented performance in diverse electrocatalytic processes. However, various impurities, particularly organic ligands, are often involved in the synthesis and remain in the corresponding products, hindering the investigation of the intrinsic electrocatalytic properties of NMAs. Here, starting from laser-generated inorganic-salt-stabilized metal nanoparticles, various impurity-free NMAs (Au, Pd, and Au-Pd aerogels) were fabricated. In this light, we demonstrate not only the intrinsic electrocatalytic properties of NMAs, but also the prominent roles played by ligands in tuning electrocatalysis through modulating the electron density of catalysts. These findings may offer a new dimension to engineer and optimize the electrocatalytic performance for various NMAs and beyond.


