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Dendrite-Free Sodium Metal Anodes Enabled by a Sodium Benzenedithiolate-Rich Protection Layer.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-27 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.201916716
Ming Zhu 1, 2 , Guanyao Wang 1 , Xing Liu 1 , Bingkun Guo 3 , Gang Xu 1 , Zhongyi Huang 1 , Minghong Wu 1 , Hua-Kun Liu 2 , Shi-Xue Dou 2 , Chao Wu 1, 2

Sodium metal is an ideal anode material for metal rechargeable batteries, owing to its high theoretical capacity (1166 mAh g-1 ), low cost, and earth-abundance. However, the dendritic growth upon Na plating, stemming from unstable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) film, is a major and most notable problem. Here, a sodium benzenedithiolate (PhS2 Na2 )-rich protection layer is synthesized in situ on sodium by a facile method that effectively prevents dendrite growth in the carbonate electrolyte, leading to stabilized sodium metal electrodeposition for 400 cycles (800 h) of repeated plating/stripping at a current density of 1 mA cm-2 . The organic salt, PhS2 Na2 , is found to be a critical component in the protection layer. This finding opens up a new and promising avenue, based on organic sodium slats, to stabilize sodium metals with a protection layer.



金属钠由于其理论容量高(1166 mAh g-1),成本低且富含地球,因此是金属可充电电池的理想负极材料。但是,由于不稳定的固体电解质中间相(SEI)膜而导致的在Na镀层上的树枝状生长是一个主要且最显着的问题。在这里,通过一种有效防止碳酸盐电解质中枝晶生长的方法,在钠上就地合成了富含苯二硫酸钠(PhS2 Na2)的保护层,从而在重复电镀/电镀的400个循环(800 h)中实现了稳定的钠金属电沉积/以1 mA cm-2的电流密度进行剥离。发现有机盐PhS2 Na2是保护层中的关键成分。这一发现为有机钠盐板条开辟了一条新的前景广阔的途径,