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Structure-Directing Effects of Coordinating Solvents, Ammonium and Phosphonium Counterions in Uranyl Ion Complexes with 1,2-, 1,3-, and 1,4-Phenylenediacetates.
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b03404
Pierre Thuéry 1 , Youssef Atoini 2 , Jack Harrowfield 2

The three isomers 1,2-, 1,3-, and 1,4-phenylenediacetic acids (1,2-, 1,3-, and 1,4-pdaH2) have been used to synthesize 16 uranyl ion complexes under solvo-hydrothermal conditions and in the presence of various coligands and organic counterions. The two neutral and homoleptic complexes [UO2(1,2-pda)]·CH3CN (1) and [UO2(1,3-pda)] (2) crystallize as diperiodic assemblies with slightly different coordination modes of the ligands, but the same sql topology. Introduction of the coordinating solvents N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) or N,N'-dimethylpropyleneurea (DMPU) in the uranyl coordination sphere produces the four complexes [UO2(1,2-pda)(DMPU)] (3), [UO2(1,3-pda)(NMP)] (4), [UO2(1,4-pda)(NMP)] (5), and [UO2(1,4-pda)(DMPU)] (6), which are either monoperiodic (4) or diperiodic species with the fes (3 and 5) or 3,4L13 (6) topology. The presence of dimethylammonium cations is associated with the formation of ladder-like monoperiodic polymers with the 1,2 isomer in the complexes [H2NMe2]2[(UO2)2(1,2-pda)3]·H2O (7) and [H2NMe2]2[(UO2)2(1,2-pda)3]·3H2O (8), while a conformational change giving the 1,3 and 1,4 isomers a pincer-like geometry favors the formation of dinuclear ring subunits assembled into daisy-chain-like monoperiodic polymers in [H2NMe2]2[(UO2)2(1,3-pda)3]·0.5H2O (9), [H2NMe2]2[(UO2)2(1,4-pda)3] (10), and the mixed-ligand species [H2NMe2]2[(UO2)2(1,2-pda)(1,4-pda)2] (11). The unique complex including guanidinium cations, [C(NH2)3]2[(UO2)2(1,2-pda)3]·0.5H2O·CH3CN (12), crystallizes as a diperiodic polymer with the hcb topology. Due to differences in ligand conformations, the phosphonium-containing complexes [PPh3Me]2[(UO2)2(1,3-pda)3] (13) and [PPh4]2[(UO2)2(1,4-pda)3] (14) contain ladder-like and daisy-chain-like monoperiodic polymers, respectively, while only the latter geometry is found in the mixed-cation complexes [PPh3Me][H2NMe2][(UO2)2(1,4-pda)3]·H2O (15) and [PPh3Me][H2NMe2][(UO2)2(1,2-pda)(1,4-pda)2] (16). The influence of ligand conformation and the structure-directing effects of coligands and counterions throughout the series are discussed. The uranyl emission spectra of 14 of the complexes display the usual vibronic fine structure, the peak positions being dependent on the number of equatorial donors.



三种异构体1,2-,1,3-和1,4-苯二乙酸(1,2-,1,3-和1,4-pdaH2)已用于在溶剂溶剂下合成16种铀酰离子络合物。水热条件,并存在各种大分子配体和有机抗衡离子。两个中性和均质的络合物[UO2(1,2-pda)] CH3CN(1)和[UO2(1,3-pda)](2)结晶为二配体,配体的配位方式略有不同,但是相同的sql拓扑。在铀酰配位域中引入配位溶剂N-甲基-2-吡咯烷酮(NMP)或N,N'-二甲基丙烯脲(DMPU)产生四种配合物[UO2(1,2-pda)(DMPU)](3) ,[UO2(1,3-pda)(NMP)](4),[UO2(1,4-pda)(NMP)](5)和[UO2(1,4-pda)(DMPU)]( 6),它们是具有fes(3和5)或3,4L13(6)拓扑的单周期(4)或双周期物种。二甲铵阳离子的存在与[H2NMe2] 2 [(UO2)2(1,2-pda)3]·H2O(7)和[ H2NMe2] 2 [(UO2)2(1,2-pda)3]·3H2O(8),而构象变化使1,3,1,4异构体形成钳状的几何形状,有利于组装的双核环亚单元的形成成[H2NMe2] 2 [(UO2)2(1,3-pda)3]·0.5H2O(9),[H2NMe2] 2 [(UO2)2(1,4-pda)的菊花链状单周期聚合物3](10),以及混合配体物质[H2NMe2] 2 [(UO2)2(1,2-pda)(1,4-pda)2](11)。包括胍鎓阳离子[C(NH2)3] 2 [(UO2)2(1,2-pda)3]·0.5H2O·CH3CN(12)的独特络合物结晶为具有hcb拓扑的二元聚合物。由于配体构象的差异,含the的配合物[PPh3Me] 2 [(UO2)2(1,3-pda)3](13)和[PPh4] 2 [(UO2)2(1,4-pda)3](14)分别包含梯形和菊花链状单周期聚合物,而在混合阳离子络合物[PPh3Me] [H2NMe2] [(UO2)2(1 ,[4-pda)3]·H 2 O(15)和[PPh 3 Me] [H 2 NMe 2] [(UO 2)2(1,2-pda)(1,4-pda)2](16)。讨论了整个系列中配体构象的影响以及大分子和抗衡离子的结构导向作用。14种配合物的铀酰发射光谱显示出通常的振动电子精细结构,其峰位置取决于赤道供体的数量。讨论了整个系列中配体构象的影响以及大分子和抗衡离子的结构导向作用。14种配合物的铀酰发射光谱显示出通常的振动细结构,其峰位置取决于赤道供体的数量。讨论了整个系列中配体构象的影响以及大分子和抗衡离子的结构指导作用。14种配合物的铀酰发射光谱显示出通常的振动细结构,其峰位置取决于赤道供体的数量。