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Perturbed ac Stark Effect for Attosecond Optical-Waveform Sampling
Physical Review Applied ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-17 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevapplied.13.014032
Kang Mi , Wei Cao , Huiyao Xu , Yunlong Mo , Zhen Yang , Pengfei Lan , Qingbin Zhang , Peixiang Lu

We demonstrate an all-optical method for time-domain characterization of ultrashort optical pulses using nonionizing lasers. A moderately intense laser pulse couples the doubly excited states of helium and induces the ac Stark effect. A synchronized weak signal field perturbs the coupling process and alters the quasienergies of the dressed atom, upon which the carrier oscillation of the signal field is encoded. The nonionizing lasers used in current approach minimize plasma-induced pulse distortion and provide a complementary detection scheme for effective and reliable optical oscilloscope.


