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Characteristics of pasting properties and morphology changes of rice starch and flour under different heating modes
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.01.161
Ling Zhu , Yayuan Zhang , Gangcheng Wu , Xiguang Qi , Damla Dag , Fanbin Kong , Hui Zhang

The pasting behavior of rice starch and its relationship with cooking properties of rice have been extensively studied. However, the viscosity changes of rice starch and flour under conventional cooking mode and high temperature and high pressure (HTHP) mode remain unknown. In this study, three typical rice starches and seven rice flours of different types and varieties were used to evaluate the effect of cooking modes on their pasting behaviors. A detailed discussion about the relationships among chemical composition, thermal properties, and crystallinity were conducted to explain the different pasting behaviors of the rice samples. The pasting behavior of rice starch was found to be similar with rice flour under standard and conventional heating modes, while remarkably different when treated at different HTHP levels, especially for sticky rice flour. The morphological changes of rice samples at 95 °C and 120 °C confirmed that high temperature long time heating caused extending of molecules, which exhibited layered structure at 120 °C. The rice flour samples showed different morphologies after heating at different modes due to varied amylose content and crystallinity, which contributed to different pasting behavior. These results provide useful information for developing strategies to control rice cooking and improve eating quality.



