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Gold endowments of porphyry deposits controlled by precipitation efficiency.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-14 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-14113-1
Massimo Chiaradia 1

Porphyry deposits are natural suppliers of most copper and significant gold to our society. Whereas the Cu-richest (Au-poor) porphyries are related to Andean-type subduction and typical calc-alkaline magmatism, the Au-richest porphyries are associated with high-K calc-alkaline to alkaline magmatism in late to post-subduction or post-collision and extensional settings, and subordinately with calc-alkaline magmatism. The reasons behind these associations and the large variations in metal endowments of porphyry Cu-Au deposits remain obscure. Here, I show that porphyry Cu-Au deposits define two distinct trends in Au vs. Cu tonnage plots (Cu-rich and Au-rich). Metal endowments for both trends grow larger the longer the mineralization process. However, Au is precipitated at much higher rates in Au-rich than in Cu-rich porphyry deposits. Using Monte Carlo simulations of petrologic processes, I show that whereas Cu-rich porphyries require large amounts of magma and water to be formed, Au-rich porphyries are the result of a better efficiency of Au precipitation.



斑岩矿床是我们社会大多数铜和重要黄金的天然供应商。铜含量最高(贫金)的斑岩与安第斯型俯冲和典型的钙碱性岩浆作用有关,而铜含量最高的斑岩在俯冲后期或后期与高钾钙碱性盐岩作用有关。 -碰撞和伸展设置,并从属于碱性钙岩浆。这些关联背后的原因以及斑岩型Cu-Au矿床金属metal赋的巨大差异仍然不清楚。在这里,我表明斑岩型铜金矿床在金与铜吨位图(富铜和富金)中定义了两种不同的趋势。矿化过程越长,两种趋势的金属赋就越大。但是,富Au的金的沉积速率要比富Cu的斑岩矿床高得多。