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Nested helicoids in biological microstructures.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13978-6
Israel Greenfeld 1 , Israel Kellersztein 1 , H Daniel Wagner 1

Helicoidal formations often appear in natural microstructures such as bones and arthropods exoskeletons. Named Bouligands after their discoverer, these structures are angle-ply laminates that assemble from laminae of chitin or collagen fibers embedded in a proteinaceous matrix. High resolution electron microscope images of cross-sections through scorpion claws are presented here, uncovering structural features that are different than so-far assumed. These include in-plane twisting of laminae around their corners rather than through their centers, and a second orthogonal rotation angle which gradually tilts the laminae out-of-plane. The resulting Bouligand laminate unit (BLU) is highly warped, such that neighboring BLUs are intricately intertwined, tightly nested and mechanically interlocked. Using classical laminate analysis extended to laminae tilting, it is shown that tilting significantly enhances the laminate flexural stiffness and strength, and may improve toughness by diverting crack propagation. These observations may be extended to diverse biological species and potentially applied to synthetic structures.



螺旋结构经常出现在自然微观结构中,例如骨骼和节肢动物外骨骼。这些结构以发现者的名字命名为 Bouligands,是角层层压板,由嵌入蛋白质基质中的几丁质或胶原纤维薄片组装而成。这里展示了蝎子爪横截面的高分辨率电子显微镜图像,揭示了与迄今为止假设不同的结构特征。这些包括薄层围绕其拐角而不是通过其中心的平面内扭曲,以及逐渐使薄层倾斜到平面外的第二正交旋转角度。由此产生的 Bouligand 层压单元 (BLU) 高度翘曲,使得相邻的 BLU 错综复杂地缠绕在一起、紧密嵌套并机械互锁。使用扩展到层板倾斜的经典层合板分析表明,倾斜显着增强了层合板的弯曲刚度和强度,并且可以通过转移裂纹扩展来提高韧性。这些观察结果可以扩展到不同的生物物种,并有可能应用于合成结构。