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Improvement of H2O2 Utilization by the Persistent Heterogeneous Fenton Reaction with the Fe3O4-Zeolite-Cyclodextrin Composite
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-23 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b06091
Xiaoping Wang 1 , Wei Liu 1 , Jiayuan Qin 1 , Lecheng Lei 2

Most previous reports related to heterogeneous Fenton focused on improving the catalytic activity of the catalysts but ignored the consumption and utilization efficiency of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which has caused a large invalid waste of H2O2. This paper reports a Fe3O4-zeolite-cyclodextrin (F-Z-C) heterogeneous Fenton catalyst that can prolong the reaction duration time and improve the H2O2 utilization. The pollutants can be adsorbed to the catalyst surface by the zeolite and the Fe3O4-cyclodextrin nanostructure, which will increase the local concentration of pollutants. Meanwhile, the H2O2 dispersed in water can be temporarily captured and stored by β-cyclodextrin, decreasing the invalid consumption of free H2O2. A series of experiments indicate that the F-Z-C catalyst can store H2O2 and release out slowly in a certain condition. Benefiting from the “storage-release” effect of F-Z-C on H2O2, the utilization efficiency of H2O2 can be greatly improved. As a result, the contradiction between the large needed amount and the low concentration of H2O2 can be solved in practical wastewater treatments.


与Fe 3 O 4-沸石-环糊精复合物的持久非均相Fenton反应提高了H 2 O 2的利用率

以前有关非均相Fenton的大多数报道都集中在提高催化剂的催化活性上,却忽略了过氧化氢(H 2 O 2)的消耗和利用效率,而过氧化氢(H 2 O 2)导致大量的H 2 O 2浪费。本文报道了一种Fe 3 O 4-沸石-环糊精(FZC)非均相Fenton催化剂,该催化剂可以延长反应持续时间并提高H 2 O 2利用率。沸石和Fe 3 O 4可以将污染物吸附到催化剂表面-环糊精的纳米结构,将增加污染物的局部浓度。同时,分散在水中的H 2 O 2可以被β-环糊精暂时捕获和储存,减少了游离H 2 O 2的无效消耗。一系列实验表明,FZC催化剂可以储存H 2 O 2并在一定条件下缓慢释放。从FZC对小时“存储释放”效应受益2 Ó 2,H的利用率2 ö 2可以大大提高。结果,需要的量大和H 2的浓度低之间存在矛盾。在实际的废水处理中可以解决O 2的问题。