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Resource Adequacy in Electricity Markets With Renewable Energy
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-24 , DOI: 10.1109/tpwrs.2019.2930934
Jonghwan Kwon , Zhi Zhou , Todd Levin , Audun Botterud

This paper presents a market-based resource adequacy assessment framework to analyze the system generation portfolio that results in a competitive market environment. In particular, we apply the modeling framework to investigate the impact of high penetration levels of variable renewable energy resources and different market designs on achieving resource adequacy. The model captures the strategic capacity investment and retirement decision-making of profit-maximizing generation companies. In contrast to many previous studies, this paper considers markets for capacity, energy, and reserve products in detail; thus, the modeling framework allows improved analysis of generation expansion and revenue sufficiency in a competitive market environment. The modeling framework is based on Stackelberg leader-follower games and is formulated as a bi-level optimization problem, which is then transformed into a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints. Furthermore, we employ a Lagrangian decomposition algorithm to enhance computational performance. In a case study of the electric reliability council of texas (ERCOT) system, we compare the results from the proposed model with those obtained from a traditional centralized least-cost planning model. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modeling framework and highlight the importance of considering strategic behavior in a competitive market framework when assessing resource adequacy.



本文提出了一个基于市场的资源充足性评估框架,以分析导致竞争性市场环境的系统生成组合。特别是,我们应用建模框架来研究可变可再生能源资源的高渗透率和不同的市场设计对实现资源充足性的影响。该模型捕获了利润最大化发电公司的战略容量投资和退休决策。与之前的许多研究相比,本文详细考虑了容量、能源和储备产品市场;因此,建模框架允许在竞争激烈的市场环境中改进对发电增长和收入充足性的分析。建模框架基于 Stackelberg 领导者-追随者博弈,并被表述为双层优化问题,然后将其转化为具有均衡约束的数学程序。此外,我们采用拉格朗日分解算法来提高计算性能。在德克萨斯州电力可靠性委员会 (ERCOT) 系统的案例研究中,我们将所提出的模型的结果与传统的集中式最低成本规划模型的结果进行了比较。结果证明了所提出的建模框架的有效性,并强调了在评估资源充足性时在竞争性市场框架中考虑战略行为的重要性。