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STCH4/REIL2 Confers Cold Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis by Promoting rRNA Processing and CBF Protein Translation.
Cell Reports ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.12.012
Hasi Yu 1 , Xiangfeng Kong 2 , Huan Huang 2 , Wenwu Wu 3 , Junghoon Park 4 , Dae-Jin Yun 4 , Byeong-Ha Lee 5 , Huazhong Shi 6 , Jian-Kang Zhu 7

Plants respond to cold stress by inducing the expression of transcription factors that regulate downstream genes to confer tolerance to freezing. We screened an Arabidopsis transfer DNA (T-DNA) insertion library and identified a cold-hypersensitive mutant, which we named stch4 (sensitive to chilling 4). STCH4/REIL2 encodes a ribosomal biogenesis factor that is upregulated upon cold stress. Overexpression of STCH4 confers chilling and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. The stch4 mutation reduces CBF protein levels and thus delayed the induction of C-repeat-binding factor (CBF) regulon genes. Ribosomal RNA processing is reduced in stch4 mutants, especially under cold stress. STCH4 associates with multiple ribosomal proteins, and these interactions are modulated by cold stress. These results suggest that the ribosome is a regulatory node for cold stress responses and that STCH4 promotes an altered ribosomal composition and functions in low temperatures to facilitate the translation of proteins important for plant growth and survival under cold stress.


STCH4 / REIL2通过促进rRNA加工和CBF蛋白翻译赋予拟南芥耐寒性。

植物通过诱导转录因子的表达来响应冷胁迫,所述转录因子调节下游基因以赋予对冷冻的耐受性。我们筛选了拟南芥转移DNA(T-DNA)插入文库,并鉴定了一种冷超敏突变体,我们将其命名为stch4(对冷态4敏感)。STCH4 / REIL2编码核糖体生物发生因子,该因子在冷胁迫下会上调。STCH4的过表达赋予拟南芥抗寒和抗冻性。stch4突变降低CBF蛋白水平,从而延迟了C-重复结合因子(CBF)调节子基因的诱导。在stch4突变体中,核糖体RNA加工减少,尤其是在冷胁迫下。STCH4与多种核糖体蛋白缔合,并且这些相互作用受到冷胁迫的调节。