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Copper ion modified graphitic C3N4 nanosheets enhanced luminol-H2O2 chemiluminescence system: Toward highly selective and sensitive bioassay of H2S in human plasma.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118040
Jun-Tao Cao 1 , Wen-Sheng Zhang 2 , Xiao-Long Fu 1 , Hui Wang 1 , Shu-Hui Ma 3 , Yan-Ming Liu 1

A high-efficient chemiluminescence (CL) platform for highly selective and sensitive H2S detection was constructed on the basis of the quenching effect of S2- on the copper ion modified graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets (Cu2+-g-C3N4 NSs) enhanced luminol-H2O2 system. Cu2+-g-C3N4 NSs with horseradish peroxidase-like catalytic activity were prepared and provide a great improvement for luminol-H2O2 system. The presence of S2- induced the formation of CuS precipitate on g-C3N4 NSs surface. The precipitate can block the catalytic Cu2+ sites on the g-C3N4 NSs surface, resulting in a great CL decrease of CL system. Based on such a mechanism, a simple, highly selective and sensitive CL biosensor for H2S detection was designed. Under the optimized conditions, luminol-H2O2-Cu2+-g-C3N4 NSs system gave a decrease of CL intensity with the Na2S concentration increasing. The CL biosensor is in a linear range of 10.0 pM-50.0 nM and the detection limit for detecting Na2S is as low as 2.0 pM. Moreover, the method here has enjoyed a successful application for determining H2S in human plasma samples and the recovery is between 95.7% and 110.0%.



基于S2-对铜离子修饰的石墨氮化碳纳米片(Cu2 + -g-C3N4 NSs)增强的鲁米诺-H2O2系统的猝灭作用,构建了用于高选择性和灵敏H2S检测的高效化学发光(CL)平台。 。制备了具有类似辣根过氧化物酶催化活性的Cu2 + -g-C3N4 NSs,为鲁米诺-H2O2体系提供了很大的改进。S2-的存在诱导在g-C3N4 NSs表面形成CuS沉淀。沉淀物会阻塞g-C3N4 NSs表面的催化性Cu2 +位点,导致CL体系的CL大大降低。基于这种机制,设计了一种简单,高选择性,灵敏的H2S检测CL生物传感器。在优化条件下 随着Na 2 S浓度的增加,鲁米诺-H 2 O 2 -Cu 2+ -g-C 3 N 4 NSs体系使CL强度降低。CL生物传感器的线性范围为10.0 pM-50.0 nM,检测Na2S的检测限低至2.0 pM。此外,此处的方法已成功应用于测定人血浆样品中的H2S,回收率在95.7%至110.0%之间。