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Visual monitoring of the lysosomal pH changes during autophagy with a red-emission fluorescent probe.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-29 , DOI: 10.1039/c9tb02551k
Xiaodong Wang 1 , Li Fan , Yubin Wang , Caihong Zhang , Wenting Liang , Shaomin Shuang , Chuan Dong

Autophagy plays crucial roles in maintaining normal intracellular homeostasis. Molecular probes capable of monitoring lysosomal pH changes during autophagy are still highly required yet challenging to develop. Here, a lysosome-targeting fluorescent pH probe, RML, is presented by introducing a methylcarbitol unit as the lysosome-targeting group to rhodamine B, which is highly sensitive to pH changes. RML exhibits remarkable pH-dependent behavior at 583 nm with a fluorescent enhancement of more than 148-fold. The pKa value is determined as 4.96, and the linear response with pH changes from 4.50-5.70, which is favorable for lysosomal pH imaging. We also confirm that RML diffuses selectively into lysosomes using confocal fluorescence microscopy. Using RML, we have successfully visualized autophagy by monitoring the lysosomal pH changes.



自噬在维持正常的细胞内稳态中起着至关重要的作用。仍然高度需要能够监测自噬过程中溶酶体pH变化的分子探针,但开发难度很大。在此,通过将甲基卡必醇单元作为溶酶体靶向基团引入对pH变化高度敏感的若丹明B,从而获得了一种靶向溶酶体的荧光pH探针RML。RML在583 nm处表现出显着的pH依赖性行为,荧光增强超过148倍。pKa值确定为4.96,并且随着pH的线性响应从4.50-5.70变化,这对于溶酶体pH成像是有利的。我们还证实了使用共聚焦荧光显微镜观察RML选择性地扩散到溶酶体中。使用RML,我们已经通过监测溶酶体的pH变化成功地可视化了自噬。