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Bcl-XL: A multifunctional anti-apoptotic protein.
Pharmacological Research ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2019.104547
Mingxue Li 1 , Dun Wang 1 , Jianhua He 1 , Lixia Chen 1 , Hua Li 2

B-cell lymphoma-extra large (Bcl-XL) is one of the anti-apoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family that is localized in the mitochondria. Bcl-XL is one of the key regulators of apoptosis that can also regulate other important cellular functions. Bcl-XL is overexpressed in many cancers, and its inhibitors have shown good therapeutic effects. Bcl-XL interacts with Beclin 1, a key factor regulating autophagy. Bcl-XL is essential for the survival of neurons and plays protective roles in neuronal injuries. It can promote the growth of neurons and the correct formation of neural networks, enhance synaptic plasticity, and control neurotoxicity. Bcl-XL can also promote the transport of Ca2+ to mitochondria, increase the production of ATP, and improve metabolic efficiency. In addition, targeting Bcl-XL has shown potential value in autoimmune diseases and aging. In this review, we summarize the functions of Bcl-XL in cancer, autophagy, Ca2+ signaling, neuroprotection, neuronal growth and synaptic plasticity, energy metabolism, immunity, and senescence as revealed by investigations conducted in the past 10 years. Moreover, we list some inhibitors that have been developed based on the functions of Bcl-XL.



B细胞超大淋巴瘤(Bcl-XL)是位于线粒体中的Bcl-2家族的抗凋亡蛋白之一。Bcl-XL是细胞凋亡的关键调节因子之一,也可以调节其他重要的细胞功能。Bcl-XL在许多癌症中均过表达,其抑制剂已显示出良好的治疗作用。Bcl-XL与Beclin 1相互作用,Beclin 1是调节自噬的关键因素。Bcl-XL对于神经元的生存至关重要,并在神经元损伤中起保护作用。它可以促进神经元的生长和神经网络的正确形成,增强突触可塑性,并控制神经毒性。Bcl-XL还可以促进Ca2 +向线粒体的转运,增加ATP的产生并提高代谢效率。此外,靶向Bcl-XL在自身免疫性疾病和衰老中已显示出潜在价值。在这篇综述中,我们总结了Bcl-XL在癌症,自噬,Ca2 +信号传导,神经保护,神经元生长和突触可塑性,能量代谢,免疫力和衰老中的功能,这在过去10年中进行了调查。此外,我们列出了一些根据Bcl-XL的功能开发的抑制剂。