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Wireless Infrastructure M2M Network For Distributed Power Grid Monitoring
IEEE NETWORK ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-28 , DOI: 10.1109/mnet.2017.1700002
Hamid Gharavi 1 , Bin Hu 1

With the massive integration of distributed RESs into the power system, the demand for timely and reliable network quality monitoring, control, and fault analysis is rapidly growing. Following the successful deployment of PMUs in transmission systems for power monitoring, a new opportunity to utilize PMU measurement data for power quality assessment in distribution grid systems is emerging. The main problem, however, is that a distribution grid system does not normally have the support of an infrastructure network. Therefore, the main objective in this article is to develop an M2M communication network that can support wide ranging sensory data, including high rate synchrophasor data for real-time communication. In particular, we evaluate the suitability of the emerging IEEE 802.11ah standard by exploiting its important features, such as classifying the power grid sensory data into different categories according to their traffic characteristics. For performance evaluation we use our hardware in the loop grid communication network.


用于分布式电网监控的无线基础设施 M2M 网络

随着分布式可再生能源大规模集成到电力系统中,对及时可靠的网络质量监测、控制和故障分析的需求迅速增长。随着 PMU 在输电系统中成功部署用于电力监控,利用 PMU 测量数据在配电网系统中进行电能质量评估的新机会正在出现。然而,主要问题是配电网系统通常没有基础设施网络的支持。因此,本文的主要目标是开发一种 M2M 通信网络,该网络可以支持广泛的传感数据,包括用于实时通信的高速率同步相量数据。特别是,我们通过利用新兴的 IEEE 802.11ah 标准的重要特征来评估其适用性,例如根据其流量特征将电网传感数据分为不同的类别。为了进行性能评估,我们使用我们的硬件在环网格通信网络。