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Effects of the pitch configuration design on players' physical performance and movement behaviour during soccer small-sided games.
Research in Sports Medicine ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-05 , DOI: 10.1080/15438627.2018.1544133
Diogo Coutinho 1, 2 , Bruno Gonçalves 1, 2 , Sara Santos 1, 2, 3 , Bruno Travassos 2, 4 , Del P Wong 5 , Jaime Sampaio 1, 2

This study aimed to identify the effects of different pitch configurations on youth players positional and physical performances. Forty players participated in a Gk + 5vs5 + Gk small-sided game under four conditions: regular condition (regular), pitch with the direction of competitive matches; sided condition (sided), goals were changed to width; different pitch orientation (≠orientation), performed in side-to-side line compared to competitive matches; dynamic pitch (dynamic), boundaries were randomly changed every minute by: regular pitch; decrease 6 m width; diamond shape. The following variables were considered: players’ effective playing space, distance between teammates’ dyads time spent synchronized, average speed and a ratio between the distance covered at different intensities and distance covered while recovering. Overall, players exhibited better performances in pitches that are more representative of the environmental information seen during competitive matches (regular and ≠orientation). However, coaches may also use different boundary conditions to promote the players’ ability to adapt to different context information.



这项研究旨在确定不同音高配置对青年球员的位置和身体表现的影响。四十名球员在以下四个条件下参加了Gk + 5vs5 + Gk小边游戏:常规条件(常规),按比赛方向进行投球;双方条件(双方),目标更改为宽度;与竞争性比赛相比,在左右线中执行不同的俯仰方向(≠方向);动态音高(动态音高),每分钟通过以下方式随机更改边界:常规音高;减少6 m宽度;钻石形状。考虑以下变量:球员的有效比赛空间,队友之间的双节距离花费的同步时间,平均速度以及不同强度下的距离与恢复时的距离之间的比率。总体,运动员在场上表现出更好的表现,更能代表比赛中所见的环境信息(常规和定向)。但是,教练也可以使用不同的边界条件来提高运动员适应不同背景信息的能力。
