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Teaching Prioritization: "Who, What, & Why?"
Journal of Nursing Education ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20190422-10
Mary Ann Jessee

BACKGROUND New graduate nurses must be equipped to prioritize the needs of multiple complex patients and intervene on problems causing the highest risk of adverse outcomes. Targeted and theoretically supported strategies to teach prioritization without significant change to clinical education structure are needed. METHOD A structured, scaffolded prioritization exercise using individual and peer-learning strategies engages prelicensure nursing students in purposeful practice prioritizing care needs for individuals and groups of patients. The exercise uses students' assigned clinical patient data, during existing clinical conference sessions, across a three-semester clinical course sequence with baccalaureate-level prelicensure nursing students. RESULTS Students appreciate the peer learning and coaching provided by instructors during this activity. Instructors identify that students more readily recognize potential and actual risks and prioritize nursing actions in conferences and clinical sessions. CONCLUSION Simple and theoretically based teaching strategies offer a pathway for teaching students to recognize salient features of complex patient situations, prioritize actions, and provide safe patient care. [J Nurs Educ. 2019;58(5):302-305.].



背景技术新的毕业生护士必须具备优先考虑多个复杂患者需求的能力,并干预导致不良后果风险最高的问题。需要有针对性的和理论上支持的策略来在不对临床教育结构进行重大更改的情况下教授优先级。方法采用个体学习和同伴学习策略的结构化,支架式的优先排序练习,可以使有保证的护理学生有意识地进行有针对性的练习,从而优先考虑针对个人和患者群体的护理需求。在现有的临床会议期间,该练习将使用学生分配的临床患者数据,在为期三学期的临床课程序列中,学士学位级别的预保护士。结果学生在此活动中赞赏老师提供的同伴学习和辅导。指导教师确定学生可以更轻松地认识到潜在和实际的风险,并在会议和临床会议上优先考虑护理措施。结论简单的,基于理论的教学策略为学生提供了一种途径,使他们认识到复杂患者情况的显着特征,确定行动的优先次序并提供安全的患者护理。[J Nurs Educ。2019; 58(5):302-305。]。并提供安全的患者护理。[J Nurs Educ。2019; 58(5):302-305。]。并提供安全的患者护理。[J Nurs Educ。2019; 58(5):302-305。]。