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Eliciting ERP Components for Morphosyntactic Agreement Mismatches in Perfectly Grammatical Sentences.
Frontiers In Psychology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-25 , DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01152
Émilie Courteau 1, 2 , Lisa Martignetti 2, 3 , Phaedra Royle 1, 2 , Karsten Steinhauer 2, 3

The present event-related brain potential (ERP) study investigates mechanisms underlying the processing of morphosyntactic information during real-time auditory sentence comprehension in French. Employing an auditory-visual sentence-picture matching paradigm, we investigated two types of anomalies using entirely grammatical auditory stimuli: (i) semantic mismatches between visually presented actions and spoken verbs, and (ii) number mismatches between visually presented agents and corresponding morphosyntactic number markers in the spoken sentences (determiners, pronouns in liaison contexts, and verb-final "inflection"). We varied the type and amount of number cues available in each sentence using two manipulations. First, we manipulated the verb type, by using verbs whose number cue was audible through subject (clitic) pronoun liaison (liaison verbs) as well as verbs whose number cue was audible on the verb ending (consonant-final verbs). Second, we manipulated the pre-verbal context: each sentence was preceded either by a neutral context providing no number cue, or by a subject noun phrase containing a subject number cue on the determiner. Twenty-two French-speaking adults participated in the experiment. While sentence judgment accuracy was high, participants' ERP responses were modulated by the type of mismatch encountered. Lexico-semantic mismatches on the verb elicited the expected N400 and additional negativities. Determiner number mismatches elicited early anterior negativities, N400s and P600s. Verb number mismatches elicited biphasic N400-P600 patterns. However, pronoun + verb liaison mismatches yielded this pattern only in the plural, while consonant-final changes did so in the singular and the plural. Furthermore, an additional sustained frontal negativity was observed in two of the four verb mismatch conditions: plural liaison and singular consonant-final forms. This study highlights the different contributions of number cues in oral language processing and is the first to investigate whether auditory-visual mismatches can elicit errors reminiscent of outright grammatical errors. Our results emphasize that neurocognitive mechanisms underlying number agreement in French are modulated by the type of cue that is used to identify auditory-visual mismatches.



当前的事件相关脑电势(ERP)研究调查了法语中实时听觉句子理解过程中句法信息处理的潜在机制。利用听觉-视觉句子-图片匹配范例,我们使用完全语法听觉刺激研究了两种类型的异常:(i)视觉呈现的动作与口语动词之间的语义不匹配,以及(ii)视觉呈现的主体与相应的句法数字之间的数字不匹配口语句子中的标记(确定语,联络语中的代词以及动词-最终的“词尾变化”)。我们使用两种操作改变了每个句子中可用的数字提示的类型和数量。首先,我们操纵动词类型 通过使用主语(气候)代词连词(联络动词)可听到数字提示的动词,以及在动词结尾可听到数字提示的动词(辅音-最终动词)。其次,我们操纵了前言语境:每个句子都以不提供数字提示的中性语境或在确定词上包含主题号码提示的主语名词短语开头。22名说法语的成年人参加了这项实验。尽管句子判断的准确性很高,但参与者的ERP反应受遇到的不匹配类型的影响。动词上的词汇语义不匹配引起了预期的N400和其他负面影响。确定子数目不匹配引起早期前阴性,N400s和P600s。动词数量不匹配引发了双相N400-P600模式。然而,代词+动词联络不匹配仅在复数形式中产生这种模式,而辅音-最终变化在单数和复数形式中产生。此外,在四个动词不匹配条件中的两个条件下,还观察到了额外的持续的正面否定性:复数联系和单数辅音-最终形式。这项研究强调了数字提示在口语处理中的不同作用,并且是第一个研究听觉-视觉失配是否会引起让人联想到完全语法错误的错误的研究。我们的研究结果强调,法语中数字约定的神经认知机制受用来识别听觉与视觉不匹配的提示类型的调节。在四个动词不匹配条件中的两个条件下,还观察到了额外的持续正面否定性:复数联系和单数辅音-最终形式。这项研究强调了数字提示在口语处理中的不同作用,并且是第一个研究听觉-视觉失配是否会引起让人联想到完全语法错误的错误的研究。我们的研究结果强调,法语中数字约定的神经认知机制受用来识别听觉与视觉不匹配的提示类型的调节。在四个动词不匹配条件中的两个条件下,还观察到了额外的持续正面否定性:复数联系和单数辅音-最终形式。这项研究强调了数字提示在口语处理中的不同作用,并且是第一个研究听觉-视觉失配是否会引起让人联想到完全语法错误的错误的研究。我们的研究结果强调,法语中数字约定的神经认知机制受用来识别听觉与视觉不匹配的提示类型的调节。这项研究强调了数字提示在口语处理中的不同作用,并且是第一个研究听觉-视觉失配是否会引起让人联想到完全语法错误的错误的研究。我们的研究结果强调,法语中数字约定的神经认知机制受用来识别听觉与视觉不匹配的提示类型的调节。这项研究强调了数字提示在口语处理中的不同作用,并且是第一个研究听觉-视觉失配是否会引起让人联想到完全语法错误的错误的研究。我们的研究结果强调,法语中数字约定的神经认知机制受用来识别听觉与视觉不匹配的提示类型的调节。