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Influence of Abscisic Acid-Biosynthesis Inhibitor Fluridone on the Feeding Behavior and Fecundity of Nilaparvata lugens.
Insects ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-23 , DOI: 10.3390/insects10020057
Xu Ding 1 , Xi Huang , Litong Sun , Jincai Wu , Jinglan Liu
Insects ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-23 , DOI: 10.3390/insects10020057
Xu Ding 1 , Xi Huang , Litong Sun , Jincai Wu , Jinglan Liu
Fluridone (FLU) was a pyrrolidone herbicide that was used for selective weeding in wheat, rice, corn and pasture and was also a biosynthesis inhibitor of abscisic acid (ABA), a significant plant hormone. ABA-promoted callose deposition facilitates rice resistance to pests but whether FLU had the opposite influence was unknown. The effects of FLU on the feeding behavior of the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål; BPH), after feeding with rice plants treated with FLU, were studied, using an electrical penetration graph (EPG). For susceptible rice cultivar (TN1), the duration for which BPH sucked phloem sap (N4 wave duration) after 15 μmol/L of FLU treatment was longer than that of the control but decreased after 30 and 60 μmol/L FLU treatments. Fecundity of BPH treated with 15 μmol/L FLU had no significant change, while the deposition area of callose was significantly decreased. For moderately-resistant rice cultivar (IR42), no differences in BPH feeding behavior and fecundity were observed but the deposition area of callose declined after treated with 15 μmol/L of FLU. These findings suggested that a low concentration of FLU (15 μmol/L) promoted BPH feeding behavior in TN1 but not in IR42 and the response in IR42 appeared to be more complicated, which provided supplementary evidence that ABA promoted plant resistance to BPH.
氟啶酮(FLU)是一种吡咯烷酮除草剂,用于小麦,水稻,玉米和牧场的选择性除草,并且还是脱落酸(ABA)(一种重要的植物激素)的生物合成抑制剂。ABA促进的愈伤组织沉积促进水稻对害虫的抗性,但FLU是否具有相反的影响尚不清楚。使用电渗透图(EPG)研究了FLU对褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugensStål; BPH)饲喂经FLU处理的水稻植物后的摄食行为的影响。对于易感水稻品种(TN1),在15μmol/ L FLU处理后BPH吸食韧皮树液的持续时间(N4波持续时间)比对照更长,但在30和60μmol/ L FLU处理后减少。用15μmol/ L FLU处理的BPH的生育力没有明显变化,ose的沉积面积明显减少。对于中等抗性水稻品种(IR42),在用15μmol/ L FLU处理后,BPH的摄食行为和繁殖力没有差异,但是of的沉积面积减少了。这些发现表明低浓度的FLU(15μmol/ L)促进了TN1的BPH进食行为,但不促进IR42的BPH进食行为,并且IR42的响应似乎更为复杂,这提供了补充证据,表明ABA促进了植物对BPH的抗性。

氟啶酮(FLU)是一种吡咯烷酮除草剂,用于小麦,水稻,玉米和牧场的选择性除草,并且还是脱落酸(ABA)(一种重要的植物激素)的生物合成抑制剂。ABA促进的愈伤组织沉积促进水稻对害虫的抗性,但FLU是否具有相反的影响尚不清楚。使用电渗透图(EPG)研究了FLU对褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugensStål; BPH)饲喂经FLU处理的水稻植物后的摄食行为的影响。对于易感水稻品种(TN1),在15μmol/ L FLU处理后BPH吸食韧皮树液的持续时间(N4波持续时间)比对照更长,但在30和60μmol/ L FLU处理后减少。用15μmol/ L FLU处理的BPH的生育力没有明显变化,ose的沉积面积明显减少。对于中等抗性水稻品种(IR42),在用15μmol/ L FLU处理后,BPH的摄食行为和繁殖力没有差异,但是of的沉积面积减少了。这些发现表明低浓度的FLU(15μmol/ L)促进了TN1的BPH进食行为,但不促进IR42的BPH进食行为,并且IR42的响应似乎更为复杂,这提供了补充证据,表明ABA促进了植物对BPH的抗性。