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Philips Intellivue NMT module: precision and performance improvements to meet the clinical requirements of neuromuscular block management.
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10877-019-00287-y
Virginie Dubois 1 , Guillaume Fostier 1 , Marie Dutrieux 1 , Jacques Jamart 2 , Stéphanie Collet 3 , Clothilde de Dorlodot 3 , Philippe Eloy 3 , Philippe E Dubois 1

The variability or inaccuracy of acceleromyographic measurements could interfere with the interpretation of the train-of-four (TOF) ratio during neuromuscular block (NMB) recovery. This study evaluated the precision and performance of the Philips Intellivue NMT module (NMT) before (part 1) and after (part 2) several technical upgrades (i.e., firmware upgrade, new cable, and hand adapter) that were recently available. Two cohorts of 30 patients who were scheduled to undergo rhino/septoplasty under general anesthesia were included in the study. TOF ratios were recorded simultaneously every 15 s on both hands with the NMT and a TOF-Watch SX installed inside a SL TOF-Tube (TWX). Before rocuronium was administered and once final responses were stabilized, the average of the four successive measurements that determined the baselines and repeatability coefficients were compared using a z test. Simultaneous measurements were recorded at different NMB stages: onset, depth of NMB after intubation, when TWX recovered TOF count 2, TOF ratios 0.5 and 0.9, and when NMT recovered TOF ratio 0.9. The results were compared using a Student t test; p < 0.05 was considered significant. The NMT repeatability coefficients obtained in part 1 were significantly higher than with the TWX, they were significantly lower in part 2. Initially, the NMT significantly overestimated NMB recovery at every stage. Conversely, in the second part of the study, no difference reached statistical significance. With the recent upgrades and the new hand adapter, the NMT provided similar results compared with the TWX, Their implementation should be recommended in clinical practice.


飞利浦Intellivue N​​MT模块:精度和性能方面的改进,可满足神经肌肉阻滞管理的临床要求。

加速肌电图测量结果的可变性或不准确性可能会干扰神经肌肉阻滞(NMB)恢复过程中四列比(TOF)比率的解释。这项研究评估了飞利浦Intellivue N​​MT模块(NMT)在第1部分(第1部分)之前(第2部分)和之后(第2部分)之后(最近)进行的一些技术升级(例如,固件升级,新电缆和手持适配器)的精度和性能。该研究包括计划在全身麻醉下进行鼻/鼻成形术的30名患者的两个队列。用NMT和安装在SL TOF-Tube(TWX)内的TOF-Watch SX每隔15秒同时记录一次TOF比率。在使用罗库溴铵之前,一旦最终反应稳定下来,使用z检验比较确定基线和重复性系数的四个连续测量的平均值。在不同的NMB阶段记录了同时进行的测量:开始,插管后NMB的深度,当TWX恢复TOF计数2,TOF比率0.5和0.9,以及NMT恢复TOF比率0.9时。使用Student t检验比较结果;p <0.05被认为是显着的。在第1部分中获得的NMT重复性系数显着高于TWX,在第2部分中显着降低。最初,NMT显着高估了每个阶段的NMB回收率。相反,在研究的第二部分,没有差异达到统计学意义。通过最新的升级和新的手动适配器,NMT与TWX相比提供了相似的结果,