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The quality of being sociable: The influence of human attentional state, population, and human familiarity on domestic cat sociability
Behavioural Processes ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2018.10.026
Kristyn R Vitale 1 , Monique A R Udell 1

Two experiments were conducted to assess the influence of human attentional state, population, and human familiarity on domestic cat sociability. Sociability behaviors included duration of time in proximity and contact with the human and the frequency of meow vocalizations. Human attentional state influenced cat behavior, with cats spending significantly more time in proximity with the attentive human in both the pet (U(22) = 389, Z = -2.72, P = 0.007) and shelter groups (F(44) = 15.34, P = 0.0003). Cat population influenced sociability and shelter cats spent more time in proximity with the inattentive unfamiliar human as compared to pet cats (U(44) = 91, Z = 3.8, P = 0.0001) Additionally compared to pet cats, more individuals in the shelter cat group meowed at least once during the unfamiliar human inattentive phase (Fisher's exact test, P = 0.02). Human familiarity did not significantly influence pet cat sociability behaviors. Overall, a wide range of sociability scores was seen, indicating individual variation is an important consideration in cat social behavior. Future research in this area will predict conditions under which strong cat-human bonds form and establish a more comprehensive scientific understanding of cat behavior.



进行了两个实验来评估人类注意力状态、人口和人类熟悉度对家猫社交能力的影响。社交行为包括与人类接近和接触的持续时间以及喵喵叫声的频率。人类的注意力状态会影响猫的行为,猫在宠物(U(22)= 389,Z = -2.72,P = 0.007)和庇护所(F(44)= 15.34 , P = 0.0003)。与宠物猫相比,猫的数量会影响社交能力,并且收容所猫在与不注意的陌生人类接触的时间更长(U(44) = 91,Z = 3.8,P = 0.0001)此外,与宠物猫相比,收容所猫中的个体更多在陌生的人类注意力不集中阶段,小组至少喵了一次(Fisher 的精确测试,P = 0.02)。人类熟悉度并没有显着影响宠物猫的社交行为。总体而言,观察到了广泛的社交得分,表明个体差异是猫社交行为的一个重要考虑因素。该领域的未来研究将预测形成强大猫人纽带的条件,并建立对猫行为的更全面的科学理解。