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Triclosan: environmental exposure, toxicity and mechanisms of action.
Journal of Applied Toxicology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2011-04-05 , DOI: 10.1002/jat.1660
Andrea B Dann 1 , Alice Hontela

Triclosan [5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol; TCS] is a broad spectrum antibacterial agent used in personal care, veterinary, industrial and household products. TCS is commonly detected in aquatic ecosystems, as it is only partially removed during the wastewater treatment process. Sorption, biodegradation and photolytic degradation mitigate the availability of TCS to aquatic biota; however the by-products such as methyltriclosan and other chlorinated phenols may be more resistant to degradation and have higher toxicity than the parent compound. The continuous exposure of aquatic organisms to TCS, coupled with its bioaccumulation potential, have led to detectable levels of the antimicrobial in a number of aquatic species. TCS has been also detected in breast milk, urine and plasma, with levels of TCS in the blood correlating with consumer use patterns of the antimicrobial. Mammalian systemic toxicity studies indicate that TCS is neither acutely toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, nor a developmental toxicant. Recently, however, concern has been raised over TCS's potential for endocrine disruption, as the antimicrobial has been shown to disrupt thyroid hormone homeostasis and possibly the reproductive axis. Moreover, there is strong evidence that aquatic species such as algae, invertebrates and certain types of fish are much more sensitive to TCS than mammals. TCS is highly toxic to algae and exerts reproductive and developmental effects in some fish. The potential for endocrine disruption and antibiotic cross-resistance highlights the importance of the judicious use of TCS, whereby the use of TCS should be limited to applications where it has been shown to be effective.



三氯生[5-氯-2-(2,4-二氯苯氧基)苯酚; [TCS]是用于个人护理,兽医,工业和家用产品的广谱抗菌剂。在水生生态系统中通常检测到TCS,因为在废水处理过程中仅将其部分除去。吸附,生物降解和光解降解会降低TCS对水生生物的可用性;然而,副产物如甲基三氯生和其他氯代苯酚可能比母体化合物具有更高的抗降解性和更高的毒性。水生生物不断暴露于TCS以及其生物蓄积潜力,已导致许多水生物种中可检测到的抗菌素水平。在母乳,尿液和血浆中也检测到TCS,血液中TCS含量与消费者使用抗菌药物的方式有关。哺乳动物的全身毒性研究表明,TCS既不具有急性毒性,致突变性,致癌性,也不具有发育毒性。然而,近来,由于TCS已显示出破坏甲状腺激素稳态和可能破坏生殖轴的能力,因此引起了人们对TCS内分泌干扰的担忧。此外,有充分的证据表明,藻类,无脊椎动物和某些类型的鱼类等水生物种对TCS的敏感性要比哺乳动物高得多。TCS对藻类有剧毒,并在某些鱼类中具有生殖和发育作用。内分泌干​​扰和抗生素交叉耐药性的可能性突显了明智使用TCS的重要性,