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Effects of 3'-deamino-3'-(3-cyano-4-morpholinyl)doxorubicin and doxorubicin on the survival, DNA integrity, and nucleolar morphology of human leukemia cells in vitro.
Cancer Research ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 1986-08-01
K Wassermann , L A Zwelling , T D Mullins , L E Silberman , B S Andersson , M Bakic , E M Acton , R A Newman

The potential mechanisms of the extremely potent anthracycline analogue 3'-deamino-3'-(3-cyano-4-morpholinyl)doxorubicin (MRA-CN) have been compared with those of doxorubicin (DOX) by examination of drug effects on colony formation, macromolecular synthesis, DNA integrity, and ultrastructure of human leukemia cells in vitro. Following a 1-h exposure, MRA-CN was found to be 1400-fold more cytocidal than DOX which correlated with the drugs' inhibitory effects on DNA and total RNA synthesis. Treatment with MRA-CN resulted in a dose-dependent production of DNA interstrand cross-links as quantified by alkaline elution. One-h treatments with DOX or 3'-deamino-3'-(4-morpholinyl) doxorubicin (the non-cyano-containing analogue of MRA-CN) produced no DNA-DNA cross-links; rather they produced protein-concealed DNA single-strand breaks. After removal of MRA-CN, the DNA of KBM-3 cells displayed time-dependent fragmentation as indicated by rapid DNA filter elution during the pH 10 lysis step which preceded pH 12 elution. Within 4 h of MRA-CN exposure (10 nM, 1 h), 50% of the cellular DNA was in the lysis fraction. By 24 h, all the cellular DNA was in this fraction. MRA-CN (10 nM), 3'-deamino-3'-(4-morpholinyl)doxorubicin (1 microM), and actinomycin D (1 microM), but not DOX (3 mircroM), each produced distinctive nucleolar macrosegregation, indicating an effect on rRNA synthesis. The alpha-CN substituent on the morpholinyl moiety of MRA-CN appears to be responsible for the unique antitumor potency of this anthracycline. Nucleolar macrosegregation is probably associated with the morpholinyl moiety and is independent of the alpha-CN substituent.



通过检查药物对菌落形成的作用,已经比较了强效蒽环类类似物3'-脱氨基-3'-(3-氰基-4-吗啉基)阿霉素(MRA-CN)的潜在机制。 ,大分子合成,DNA完整性和体外人白血病细胞超微结构。暴露1小时后,发现MRA-CN的杀灭细胞活性比DOX高1400倍,这与药物对DNA和总RNA合成的抑制作用有关。用MRA-CN处理导致剂量依赖性的DNA链间交联产生,如通过碱性洗脱所定量。用DOX或3'-脱氨基-3'-(4-吗啉基)阿霉素(MRA-CN的不包含氰基的类似物)进行1小时处理时,没有产生DNA-DNA交联。相反,他们产生了蛋白质隐藏的DNA单链断裂。除去MRA-CN后,KBM-3细胞的DNA表现出时间依赖性片段化,如在pH 12洗脱之前的pH 10裂解步骤中快速DNA过滤器洗脱所表明的。在MRA-CN暴露的4小时内(10 nM,1小时),裂解级分中有50%的细胞DNA。到24小时,所有细胞DNA都在该级分中。MRA-CN(10 nM),3'-脱氨基-3'-(4-吗啉基)多柔比星(1 microM)和放线菌素D(1 microM),但没有DOX(3 mircroM),它们各自产生独特的核仁大分离,表明对rRNA合成的影响。MRA-CN的吗啉基部分上的α-CN取代基似乎是造成该蒽环类抗生素独特抗肿瘤作用的原因。核仁大分子分离可能与吗啉基部分有关,并且独立于α-CN取代基。如在pH 12洗脱之前的pH 10裂解步骤中,快速的DNA过滤器洗脱表明,KBM-3细胞的DNA表现出时间依赖性碎片。在MRA-CN暴露的4小时内(10 nM,1小时),裂解级分中有50%的细胞DNA。到24小时,所有细胞DNA都在该级分中。MRA-CN(10 nM),3'-脱氨基-3'-(4-吗啉基)多柔比星(1 microM)和放线菌素D(1 microM),但没有DOX(3 mircroM),它们各自产生独特的核仁大分离,表明对rRNA合成的影响。MRA-CN的吗啉基部分上的α-CN取代基似乎是造成该蒽环类抗生素独特抗肿瘤作用的原因。核仁大分子分离可能与吗啉基部分有关,并且独立于α-CN取代基。如在pH 12洗脱之前的pH 10裂解步骤中,快速的DNA过滤器洗脱表明,KBM-3细胞的DNA表现出时间依赖性碎片。在MRA-CN暴露的4小时内(10 nM,1小时),裂解级分中有50%的细胞DNA。到24小时,所有细胞DNA都在该级分中。MRA-CN(10 nM),3'-脱氨基-3'-(4-吗啉基)多柔比星(1 microM)和放线菌素D(1 microM),但没有DOX(3 mircroM),它们各自产生独特的核仁大分离,表明对rRNA合成的影响。MRA-CN的吗啉基部分上的α-CN取代基似乎是造成该蒽环类抗生素独特抗肿瘤作用的原因。核仁大分子分离可能与吗啉基部分有关,并且独立于α-CN取代基。