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Absolute configurations of new limonoids from a Krishna mangrove, Xylocarpus granatum.
Fitoterapia ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2014-02-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fitote.2014.02.001
Wenping Chen 1 , Li Shen 2 , Minyi Li 2 , Qiang Xiao 3 , Tirumani Satyanandamurty 4 , Jun Wu 2

Four new limonoids, named granatumins V-Y (1-4), belonging to the small group of limonoids with a C1-C29 oxygen bridge and a ∆(8,30) double bond, were isolated from the seeds of an Indian mangrove, Xylocarpus granatum, collected in the swamp of Krishna estuary, Andhra Pradesh. The constitutions and absolute configurations of these compounds were established by extensive NMR investigations, single-crystal X-ray crystallography using Cu Kα radiation, and by the comparison of circular dichroism spectrum.


来自克里希纳(Krishna)红树林Xylocarpus granatum的新柠檬苦素的绝对构型。

从印度红树林Xylocarpus granatum的种子中分离出四个新的柠檬苦素,名为Granatumins VY(1-4),属于具有C1-C29氧桥和∆(8,30)双键的柠檬苦素的小类。收集在克里希纳河口安得拉邦的沼泽中。这些化合物的组成和绝对构型是通过广泛的NMR研究,使用CuKα辐射的单晶X射线晶体学以及通过比较圆二色性光谱建立的。