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Characterization of phosphorus availability in response to radial oxygen losses in the rhizosphere of Vallisneria spiralis.
Chemosphere ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.05.180
Chao Han 1 , Jinghua Ren 2 , Zhaode Wang 1 , Shika Yang 1 , Fan Ke 1 , Di Xu 1 , Xianchuan Xie 3

The viewpoint that radial oxygen loss (ROL) of submerged macrophytes induces changes in redox conditions and the associated phosphorus (P) availability has been indirectly confirmed at larger spatial scales using conventional, destructive techniques. However, critical information about microniches has largely been overlooked due to the lack of satisfactory in situ mapping technologies. In this study, we deployed a recently developed hybrid sensor in the rhizosphere of Vallisneria spiralis (V. spiralis) during two vegetation periods to provide 2-D imaging of the spatiotemporal co-distribution of oxygen (O2) and P from a fixed observation point. Overall, the images of O2 and P showed a high degree of spatiotemporal heterogeneity throughout the rhizosphere at the sub-mm scale. A clear decrease in the P mobilization corresponded well to the steep O2 enhancement within a 2-mm-thick zone around younger V. spiralis root, indicating a significant coupling relationship between ROL and P availability. Surprisingly, despite significant diurnal shifts in ROL along the older V. spiralis roots, P availability did not fluctuate in a substantial part of the rhizosphere throughout the day; however, ROL increased the P immobilization significantly by changing the redox gradients at the outer rhizosphere. This study clearly demonstrates how continuous ROL of V. spiralis can play a major role in regulating P availability within the rhizosphere. The premise behind this statement is the discovery of how this continuous ROL can lead to the formation of three distinctive redox landscapes in the rooting sediment (oxic, suboxic, or anaerobic layers).


响应Vallisneria spiralis根际中的径向氧气损失,描述了磷的有效性。

使用常规的破坏性技术已在较大的空间尺度上间接确认了淹没大型植物的径向氧气损失(ROL)引起氧化还原条件发生变化以及相关磷(P)利用率的观点。然而,由于缺乏令人满意的原位制图技术,有关微壁ni的关键信息已被大大忽略。在这项研究中,我们在两个植被时期的Vallisneria spiralis(V. spiralis)的根际中部署了最新开发的混合传感器,以从固定观察点提供氧气(O2)和P的时空共分布的二维成像。总体而言,O2和P的图像在整个亚根尺度上在整个根际显示出高度的时空异质性。磷动员的明显下降与年轻的螺旋状螺根周围2毫米厚的区域内O2的急剧增加很好地对应,表明ROL和P有效性之间存在显着的耦合关系。出人意料的是,尽管ROL沿较老的螺旋状螺旋根发生了明显的昼夜变化,但全天根际的大部分时间内磷的有效性并没有波动。然而,ROL通过改变外根际的氧化还原梯度显着提高了P固定化。这项研究清楚地证明了连续螺旋藻的ROL如何在调节根际内磷的有效利用中起主要作用。该声明背后的前提是发现这种连续的ROL如何导致生根沉积物中三种不同的氧化还原景观的形成(含氧,亚含氧,