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Tannins from Acacia mearnsii De Wild. Bark: Tannin Determination and Biological Activities.
Molecules ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-06 , DOI: 10.3390/molecules23040837
Sosuke Ogawa 1 , Yoshikazu Yazaki 2

The bark of Acacia mearnsii De Wild. (black wattle) contains significant amounts of water-soluble components acalled "wattle tannin". Following the discovery of its strong antioxidant activity, a wattle tannin dietary supplement has been developed and as part of developing new dietary supplements, a literature search was conducted using the SciFinder data base for "Acacia species and their biological activities". An analysis of the references found indicated that the name of Acacia nilotica had been changed to Vachellia nilotica, even though the name of the genus Acacia originated from its original name. This review briefly describes why and how the name of A. nilotica changed. Tannin has been analyzed using the Stiasny method when the tannin is used to make adhesives and the hide-powder method is used when the tannin is to be used for leather tanning. A simple UV method is also able to be used to estimate the values for both adhesives and leather tanning applications. The tannin content in bark can also be estimated using NIR and NMR. Tannin content estimations using pyrolysis/GC, electrospray mass spectrometry and quantitative 31P-NMR analyses have also been described. Tannins consists mostly of polyflavanoids and all the compounds isolated have been updated. Antioxidant activities of the tannin relating to anti-tumor properties, the viability of human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and also anti-hypertensive effects have been studied. The antioxidant activity of proanthocyanidins was found to be higher than that of flavan-3-ol monomers. A total of fourteen papers and two patents reported the antimicrobial activities of wattle tannin. Bacteria were more susceptible to the tannins than the fungal strains tested. Several bacteria were inhibited by the extract from A. mearnsii bark. The growth inhibition mechanisms of E. coli were investigated. An interaction between extracts from A. mearnsii bark and antibiotics has also been studied. The extracts from A. mearnsii bark inhibit the growth of cyanobacteria. Wattle tannin has the ability to inactivate α-amylase, lipase and glucosidase. In vivo experiments on anti-obesity and anti-diabetes were also reported. Several patents relating to these enzymes for anti-diabetes and anti-obesity are in the literature. In addition, studies on Acacia bark extract regarding its antitermite activities, inhibition of itching in atopic dermatitis and anti-inflammatory effects have also been reported. The growth of bacteria was inhibited by the extract from A. mearnsii bark, and typical intestinal bacteria such as E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. vulgaris and S. marcescenes was also inhibited in vitro by extracts. Based on these results, the Acacia bark extract may inhibit not only the growth of these typical intestinal bacteria but also the growth of other types of intestinal bacteria such as Clostridium and Bacteroides, a so-called "bad bacteria". If the tannin extract from A. mearnsii bark inhibits growth of these "bad bacteria" in vivo evaluation, the extracts might be usable as a new dietary supplement, which could control the human intestinal microbiome to keep the body healthy.



Acacia mearnsii De Wild的树皮。(黑荆芥)含有大量的水溶性成分,称为“荆芥丹宁”。在发现其强大的抗氧化活性之后,开发了一种单宁丹宁膳食补充剂,作为开发新膳食补充剂的一部分,使用SciFinder数据库搜索了有关“阿拉伯树胶及其生物活性”的文献。对参考文献的分析表明,即使相思属的名称起源于原名,但相思树的名称已更改为Vachellia nilotica。这篇评论简要描述了为什么A. nilotica的名称以及如何更改。当单宁用于制作粘合剂时,已使用Stiasny方法进行了单宁的分析;当单宁用于皮革鞣制时,使用了皮革粉法。也可以使用简单的UV方法来估算粘合剂和皮革鞣制应用的值。树皮中的单宁含量也可以使用NIR和NMR估算。还描述了使用热解/ GC,电喷雾质谱和定量31P-NMR分析估算单宁含量的方法。单宁主要由多类黄酮组成,所有分离出的化合物均已更新。单宁的抗氧化活性涉及抗肿瘤特性,人类神经母细胞瘤SH-SY5Y细胞的生存能力以及抗高血压作用。发现原花青素的抗氧化活性高于黄烷-3-醇单体的抗氧化活性。共有14篇论文和2项专利报道了荆芥丹宁的抗菌活性。与测试的真菌菌株相比,细菌对单宁的敏感性更高。几种细菌被mearnsii树皮的提取物抑制。研究了大肠杆菌的生长抑制机理。还研究了米氏农杆菌树皮提取物与抗生素之间的相互作用。mearnsii树皮的提取物抑制蓝细菌的生长。荆芥鞣质具有使α-淀粉酶,脂肪酶和葡萄糖苷酶失活的能力。还报道了抗肥胖和抗糖尿病的体内实验。与这些酶有关的抗糖尿病和抗肥胖症的专利在文献中。此外,关于相思树皮提取物的抗白蚁活性,特应性皮炎中止痒抑制和抗炎作用的研究也已有报道。细菌的生长受到mearnsii树皮提取物的抑制,提取物也能抑制典型的肠道细菌,如大肠杆菌,肺炎克雷伯菌,寻常型毕赤酵母和粘菌链球菌。基于这些结果,相思树皮提取物不仅可以抑制这些典型的肠细菌的生长,而且可以抑制其他类型的肠细菌的生长,例如梭状芽胞杆菌和拟杆菌,即所谓的“坏细菌”。如果从A. mearnsii树皮中提取的丹宁酸在体内评估中抑制了这些“坏细菌”的生长,那么这些提取物可能可用作新的膳食补充剂,