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Bladder irrigation with Chlorhexidine reduces bacteriuria in persons with spinal cord injury.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-23 , DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2298
Madeleine Wikström 1 , Richard Levi , Wolfram Antepohl

OBJECTIVE To explore whether bladder irrigation with chlorhexidine: (i) can reduce bacteriuria, and (ii) is a practically feasible option in subjects with spinal cord injury practicing intermittent self-catheterization. DESIGN A prospective, non-controlled, open, multi-centre study. METHODS Fifty patients with spinal cord injury, practicing intermittent self-catheterization, with a history of recurrent urinary tract infections were screened for bacteriuria at follow-up visits to 4 spinal cord injury centres in Sweden. Twenty-three patients had a positive urine culture (> 105 CFU/ml of > 1 bacterial species), of which 19 completed the study. Subjects proceeded with bladder irrigation, using 120 ml of 0.2% chlorhexidine solution twice daily for up to 7 days. Urine samples were taken twice daily. Response to treatment was defined as reduction in bacterial counts to < 103 CFU/ml. RESULTS Fourteen of 19 subjects reduced their bacterial counts to or below the set limit. Subsequent return of above-endpoint bacteriuria was seen in most of the subjects. However, there were significantly fewer subjects with bacteriuria after treatment (p <0.005). CONCLUSION Bladder irrigation with chlorhexidine, using intermittent self-catheterization, reduced bacteriuria in the majority of subjects with spinal cord injury and bacteriuria. The addition of bladder irrigation was practically feasible in the short time-frame of this study.



目的探讨用洗必泰冲洗膀胱是否:(i)可以减少细菌尿,和(ii)在脊髓损伤的受试者中进行间歇性自我导管插入术是一种切实可行的选择。设计前瞻性,非对照,开放,多中心研究。方法在瑞典的4个脊髓损伤中心进行随访,对50例脊髓损伤,行间歇性自我导管插入术,有尿路反复感染史的患者进行细菌尿筛查。23名患者尿培养阳性(> 105 CFU / ml> 1种细菌),其中19名完成了研究。受试者进行膀胱冲洗,每天两次使用120 ml的0.2%洗必泰溶液两次,最多7天。每天两次抽取尿液样品。对治疗的反应被定义为细菌计数降低至<103 CFU / ml。结果19名受试者中有14名将细菌计数降低至设定值以下。在大多数受试者中都观察到了高于终点的菌尿症随后的复发。但是,治疗后患有细菌尿的受试者明显较少(p <0.005)。结论在大多数脊髓损伤和菌尿症患者中,采用氯己定进行膀胱冲洗,采用间歇性自我导尿,减少了菌尿症。在本研究的短时间内,增加膀胱冲洗在实践中是可行的。治疗后细菌尿的患者明显减少(p <0.005)。结论在大多数脊髓损伤和菌尿症患者中,采用氯己定进行膀胱冲洗,采用间歇性自我导尿,减少了菌尿症。在本研究的短时间内,增加膀胱冲洗在实践中是可行的。治疗后细菌尿的患者明显减少(p <0.005)。结论在大多数脊髓损伤和菌尿的受试者中,采用氯己定进行膀胱冲洗,采用间歇性自我导尿,减少了菌尿。在本研究的短时间内,增加膀胱冲洗在实践中是可行的。