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Erythropoietin and small molecule agonists of the tissue-protective erythropoietin receptor increase FXN expression in neuronal cells in vitro and in Fxn-deficient KIKO mice in vivo.
Neuropharmacology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2017.05.011
James L Miller 1 , Myriam Rai 2 , Normand L Frigon 1 , Massimo Pandolfo 2 , Juha Punnonen 1 , Jeffrey R Spencer 1

Friedreich's ataxia (FA) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease caused by reduced levels of the mitochondrial protein frataxin (FXN). Recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) increased FXN protein in vitro and in early clinical studies, while no published reports evaluate rhEPO in animal models of FA. STS-E412 and STS-E424 are novel small molecule agonists of the tissue-protective, but not the erythropoietic EPO receptor. We find that rhEPO, STS-E412 and STS-E424 increase FXN expression in vitro and in vivo. RhEPO, STS-E412 and STS-E424 increase FXN by up to 2-fold in primary human cortical cells and in retinoic-acid differentiated murine P19 cells. In primary human cortical cells, the increase in FXN protein was accompanied by an increase in FXN mRNA, detectable within 4 h. RhEPO and low nanomolar concentrations of STS-E412 and STS-E424 also increase FXN in normal and FA patient-derived PBMC by 20%-40% within 24 h, an effect that was comparable to that by HDAC inhibitor 4b. In vivo, STS-E412 increased Fxn mRNA and protein in wild-type C57BL6/j mice. RhEPO, STS-E412, and STS-E424 increase FXN expression in the heart of FXN-deficient KIKO mice. In contrast, FXN expression in the brains of KIKO mice increased following treatment with STS-E412 and STS-E424, but not following treatment with rhEPO. Unexpectedly, rhEPO-treated KIKO mice developed severe splenomegaly, while no splenomegaly was observed in STS-E412- or STS-E424-treated mice. RhEPO, STS-E412 and STS-E424 upregulate FXN expression in vitro at equal efficacy, however, the effects of the small molecules on FXN expression in the CNS are superior to rhEPO in vivo.


促红细胞生成素和组织保护性促红细胞生成素受体的小分子激动剂可增加体外神经元细胞和体内 Fxn 缺陷 KIKO 小鼠中 FXN 的表达。

弗里德赖希共济失调 (FA) 是一种进行性神经退行性疾病,由线粒体蛋白 frataxin (FXN) 水平降低引起。重组人促红细胞生成素 (rhEPO) 在体外和早期临床研究中增加了 FXN 蛋白,但尚未发表的报告在 FA 动物模型中评估 rhEPO。 STS-E412 和 STS-E424 是组织保护受体而非促红细胞生成素受体的新型小分子激动剂。我们发现 rhEPO、STS-E412 和 STS-E424 在体外和体内增加 FXN 表达。 RhEPO、STS-E412 和 STS-E424 在原代人皮质细胞和视黄酸分化的鼠 P19 细胞中使 FXN 增加高达 2 倍。在原代人皮质细胞中,FXN 蛋白的增加伴随着 FXN mRNA 的增加,4 小时内即可检测到。 RhEPO 和低纳摩尔浓度的 STS-E412 和 STS-E424 也在 24 小时内将正常和 FA 患者来源的 PBMC 中的 FXN 增加了 20%-40%,这一效果与 HDAC 抑制剂 4b 的效果相当。在体内,STS-E412 增加了野生型 C57BL6/j 小鼠的 Fxn mRNA 和蛋白质。 RhEPO、STS-E412 和 STS-E424 增加 FXN 缺陷 KIKO 小鼠心脏中 FXN 的表达。相比之下,KIKO 小鼠大脑中的 FXN 表达在用 STS-E412 和 STS-E424 治疗后增加,但在用 rhEPO 治疗后没有增加。出乎意料的是,rhEPO 治疗的 KIKO 小鼠出现严重的脾肿大,而 STS-E412 或 STS-E424 治疗的小鼠没有观察到脾肿大。 RhEPO、STS-E412 和 STS-E424 在体外以相同的功效上调 FXN 表达,然而,小分子对 CNS 中 FXN 表达的影响优于体内 rhEPO。