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Review of anthraquinone applications for pest management and agricultural crop protection.
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-03 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.4330
Shelagh T DeLiberto 1 , Scott J Werner 1

We have reviewed published anthraquinone applications for international pest management and agricultural crop protection from 1943 to 2016. Anthraquinone (AQ) is commonly found in dyes, pigments and many plants and organisms. Avian repellent research with AQ began in the 1940s. In the context of pest management, AQ is currently used as a chemical repellent, perch deterrent, insecticide and feeding deterrent in many wild birds, and in some mammals, insects and fishes. Criteria for evaluation of effective chemical repellents include efficacy, potential for wildlife hazards, phytotoxicity and environmental persistence. As a biopesticide, AQ often meets these criteria of efficacy for the non-lethal management of agricultural depredation caused by wildlife. We summarize published applications of AQ for the protection of newly planted and maturing crops from pest birds. Conventional applications of AQ-based repellents include preplant seed treatments [e.g. corn (Zea mays L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), wheat (Triticum spp.), millet (Panicum spp.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), pelletized feed and forest tree species] and foliar applications for rice, sunflower, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), turf, sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L.), soybean (Glycine max L.), sweet corn and nursery, fruit and nut crops. In addition to agricultural repellent applications, AQ has also been used to treat toxicants for the protection of non-target birds. Few studies have demonstrated AQ repellency in mammals, including wild boar (Sus scrofa, L.), thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus, Mitchill), black-tailed prairie dogs (Cyomys ludovicainus, Ord.), common voles (Microtus arvalis, Pallas), house mice (Mus musculus, L.), Tristram's jirds (Meriones tristrami, Thomas) and black rats (Rattus rattus L.). Natural sources of AQ and its derivatives have also been identified as insecticides and insect repellents. As a natural or synthetic biopesticide, AQ is a promising candidate for many contexts of non-lethal and insecticidal pest management. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.



我们已经审查了1943年至2016年间发表的蒽醌在国际害虫管理和农业作物保护中的应用。蒽醌(AQ)通常存在于染料,颜料以及许多植物和生物中。1940年代开始使用AQ进行驱蚊研究。在病虫害管理方面,AQ目前在许多野生鸟类以及某些哺乳动物,昆虫和鱼类中用作化学驱避剂,鲈鱼威慑剂,杀虫剂和喂养威慑剂。评价有效化学驱避剂的标准包括功效,潜在的野生动植物危害,植物毒性和环境持久性。作为一种生物农药,AQ通常满足这些标准的野生生物造成的农业掠夺的非致命性处理。我们总结了AQ在保护新种植和成熟的农作物免受害虫鸟类侵害方面的应用。基于AQ的驱虫剂的常规应用包括种植前种子处理(例如玉米(Zea mays L.),水稻(Oryza sativa L.),向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.),小麦(Triticum spp。),小米(Panicum spp。)。 ,高粱(Sorghum bicolor L.),颗粒饲料和林木种]以及在水稻​​,向日葵,生菜(Lactuca sativa L.),草皮,甜菜(Beta vulgaris L.),大豆(Glycine max L.)的叶面应用,甜玉米和苗圃,水果和坚果作物。除了用于农业驱虫剂之外,AQ还用于治疗有毒物质,以保护非目标鸟类。很少有研究证明哺乳动物对AQ的排斥力,包括野猪(Sus scrofa,L.),十三只地松鼠(Ictidomys tridecemlineatus,Mitchill),黑尾土拨鼠(Cyomys ludovicainus,Ord。),普通田鼠(Microtus arvalis,Pallas),家鼠(Mus musculus,L。),Tristram jirds(Merion)托马斯(Thomas)和黑老鼠(Rattus rattus L.)。AQ及其衍生物的天然来源也被鉴定为杀虫剂和驱虫剂。作为一种天然或合成的生物农药,AQ在非致命和杀虫性害虫管理的许多情况下都是很有希望的候选者。2016年发布。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。AQ及其衍生物的天然来源也被鉴定为杀虫剂和驱虫剂。作为一种天然或合成的生物农药,AQ在非致命和杀虫性害虫管理的许多情况下都是很有希望的候选者。2016年发布。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。AQ及其衍生物的天然来源也被鉴定为杀虫剂和驱虫剂。作为一种天然或合成的生物农药,AQ在非致命和杀虫性害虫管理的许多情况下都是很有希望的候选者。2016年发布。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。