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Tranilast: a review of its therapeutic applications.
Pharmacological Research ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2014-12-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2014.10.009
Sara Darakhshan 1 , Ali Bidmeshki Pour 1

Tranilast (N-[3',4'-dimethoxycinnamoyl]-anthranilic acid) is an analog of a tryptophan metabolite. Initially, tranilast was identified as an anti-allergic agent, and used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, such as bronchial asthma, atypical dermatitis, allergic conjunctivitis, keloids and hypertrophic scars. Subsequently, the results showed that it could be also effective in the management of a wide range of conditions. The beneficial effects of tranilast have also been seen in a variety of disease states, such as fibrosis, proliferative disorders, cancer, cardiovascular problems, autoimmune disorders, ocular diseases, diabetes and renal diseases. Moreover, several trials have shown that it has very low adverse effects and it is generally well tolerated by patients. In this review, we have attempted to accurately summarize previously published studies relating to the use of tranilast for a range of disorders and discuss the drug's possible mode of action. The major mode of the drug's efficacy appears to be the suppression of the expression and/or action of the TGF-β pathway, but the drug affects other factors as well. The findings presented in this review demonstrate the potential of tranilast for the control of a vast array of pathological situations, furthermore, it is a prescribed drug without severe side effects.



曲尼司特(N- [3',4'-二甲氧基肉桂酰基]-邻氨基苯甲酸)是色氨酸代谢产物的类似物。最初,曲尼司特被确定为抗过敏剂,并用于治疗炎症性疾病,例如支气管哮喘,非典型性皮炎,过敏性结膜炎,瘢痕loid和肥厚性瘢痕。随后,结果表明,它在多种情况的管理中也可能是有效的。曲尼司特的有益作用也已在多种疾病状态中见到,例如纤维化,增生性疾病,癌症,心血管疾病,自身免疫性疾病,眼病,糖尿病和肾病。此外,一些试验表明,它具有极低的不良反应,并且通常被患者很好地耐受。在这篇评论中,我们试图准确总结先前发表的有关曲尼司特用于多种疾病的研究,并讨论该药物的可能作用方式。药物功效的主要模式似乎是抑制TGF-β途径的表达和/或作用,但药物也会影响其他因素。这篇综述中的发现证明了曲尼司特在控制大量病理情况方面的潜力,此外,它是一种处方药物,无严重副作用。