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Comparison of tau-fluvalinate, acrinathrin, and amitraz effects on susceptible and resistant populations of Varroa destructor in a vial test.
Experimental and Applied Acarology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-02-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10493-016-0023-8
Martin Kamler 1, 2 , Marta Nesvorna 3 , Jitka Stara 3 , Tomas Erban 3 , Jan Hubert 3

The parasitic mite Varroa destructor is a major pest of the western honeybee, Apis mellifera. The development of acaricide resistance in Varroa populations is a global issue. Discriminating concentrations of acaricides are widely used to detect pest resistance. Two methods, using either glass vials or paraffin capsules, are used to screen for Varroa resistance to various acaricides. We found the glass vial method to be useless for testing Varroa resistance to acaridices, so we developed a polypropylene vial bioassay. This method was tested on tau-fluvalinate-, acrinathrin-, and amitraz-resistant mite populations from three apiaries in Czechia. Acetone was used as a control and technical grade acaricide compounds diluted in acetone were applied to the polypropylene vials. The solutions were spread on the vial surface by rolling the vial, and were then evaporated. Freshly collected Varroa females were placed in the vials and the mortality of the exposed mites was measured after 24 h. The Varroa populations differed in mortality between the apiaries and the tested compounds. Mites from the Kyvalka site were resistant to acrinathrin, tau-fluvalinate, and amitraz, while mites from the Postrizin site were susceptible to all three acaricides. In Prelovice apiary, the mites were susceptible to acrinathrin and amitraz, but not to tau-fluvalinate. The calculated discriminating concentrations for tau-fluvalinate, acrinathrin, and amitraz were 0.66, 0.26 and 0.19 µg/mL, respectively. These results indicate that polyproplyne vial tests can be used to determine discriminating concentrations for the early detection of acaricide resistant Varroa. Finally, multiple-resistance in Kyvalka may indicate metabolic resistance.



寄生螨Varroa的杀螨剂是西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera的主要害虫。Varroa人群对杀螨剂的抗药性发展是一个全球性问题。区分浓度的杀螨剂已广泛用于检测害虫抗药性。使用玻璃小瓶或石蜡胶囊的两种方法来筛查Varroa对各种杀螨剂的抗性。我们发现玻璃小瓶方法对于测试Varroa对螨的抗性是无用的,因此我们开发了聚丙烯小瓶生物测定法。在捷克共和国的三个养蜂场对耐tau-fluvalinate,acrinathrin和amitraz的螨虫种群进行了测试。丙酮用作对照,并将在丙酮中稀释的工业级杀螨剂化合物施加到聚丙烯小瓶上。通过滚动小瓶将溶液分散在小瓶表面,然后蒸发。将新鲜收集的Varroa雌性放入小瓶中,并在24小时后测量裸露螨的死亡率。Varroa种群在养蜂场和被测化合物之间的死亡率不同。来自Kyvalka站点的螨虫对痤疮丙酸杆菌素,tau-fluvalinate和阿米特拉斯具有抗药性,而来自Postrizin站点的螨虫对所有三种杀螨剂均敏感。在Prelovice养蜂场中,螨虫易受丙烯霉素和阿米特拉的影响,而对tau-fluvalinate则不敏感。所计算出的tau-fluvalinate,acrinathrin和amitraz的区分浓度分别为0.66、0.26和0.19 µg / mL。这些结果表明,聚丙烯小瓶测试可用于确定区分浓度,以便及早检测出抗药性的Varroa。最后,