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Batch and Flow Synthesis of Disulfides by Visible‐Light‐Induced TiO2 Photocatalysis
ChemSusChem ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-22 , DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201600602
Cecilia Bottecchia 1 , Nico Erdmann 1 , Patricia M. A. Tijssen 1 , Lech-Gustav Milroy 2 , Luc Brunsveld 2 , Volker Hessel 1 , Timothy Noël 1

A mild and practical method for the preparation of disulfides through visible‐light‐induced photocatalytic aerobic oxidation of thiols has been developed. The method involves the use of TiO2 as a heterogeneous photocatalyst. The catalyst's high stability and recyclability makes this method highly practical. The reaction can be substantially accelerated in a continuous‐flow packed‐bed reactor, which enables a safe and reliable scale‐up of the reaction conditions. The batch and flow protocol described herein can be applied to a diverse set of thiol substrates for the preparation of homo‐ and hetero‐dimerized disulfides. Furthermore, biocompatible reaction conditions (i.e., room temperature, visible light, neutral buffer solution, and no additional base) have been developed, which permits the rapid and chemoselective modification of densely functionalized peptide substrates without recourse to complex purification steps.



通过可见光诱导的硫醇的光催化好氧氧化制备二硫化物的温和而实用的方法已被开发出来。该方法涉及使用TiO 2作为多相光催化剂。催化剂的高稳定性和可回收性使该方法具有很高的实用性。在连续流填充床反应器中可以大大加快反应速度,从而可以安全可靠地扩大反应条件。本文所述的批处理和流动方案可用于制备均二和杂二聚二硫化物的各种硫醇底物。此外,已经开发了生物相容性反应条件(即,室温,可见光,中性缓冲液,并且没有其他碱),这允许快速且化学选择性地修饰致密官能化的肽底物而无需进行复杂的纯化步骤。