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The nitration of indeno[1,2,3-cd]fluoranthene
Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic Pub Date : 1968 , DOI: 10.1039/j29680001337
Alun Davies , Keith D. Warren

Indeno[1,2,3-cd]fluoranthene has been shown to undergo nitration almost exclusively at the 2-position in both acetic acid and acetic anhydride. In the latter solvent the partial rate factor is 8 ± 2 with respect to benzene. This result is discussed in terms of molecular orbital calculations of localisation energies, and it is concluded that steric interference by the 12-hydrogen atom is probably responsible for the absence of 1-substitution.


茚并[1,2,3- cd ]荧蒽的硝化

茚并[1,2,3- cd ]荧蒽已显示在乙酸和乙酸酐中几乎仅在2-位进行硝化。在后一种溶剂中,相对于苯的部分速率因数为8±2。讨论了该结果的分子定位能量的分子轨道,并得出结论,12-氢原子的空间干扰可能是造成1-取代的原因。