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Generating Electrospray Ionization on Ballpoint Tips
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-05-03 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03990
Baocheng Ji 1 , Bing Xia 1 , Yuanji Gao 1 , Fengwei Ma 1 , Lisheng Ding 1 , Yan Zhou 1

In this study, we report a simple and economical ballpoint electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (BP-ESI-MS) technique. This combines a small ballpoint tip with a syringe pump for the direct loading and ionization of various samples in different phases (including solution, semisolid, and solid) and allows for additional applications in surface analysis. The tiny metal ball on the ballpoint tip exhibits a larger surface for ionization than that of a conventional sharp tip end, resulting in higher ionization efficiency and less sample consumption. The adamant properties of the ballpoint tip allow sampling by simply penetrating or scraping various surfaces, such as a fruit peel, paper, or fabric. Complex samples, such as fine herbal powders and small solid samples, could be stored in the hollow space in the ballpoint socket and subsequently extracted online, which greatly facilitated MS analysis with little to no sample preparation. Positive ion mode was attempted, and various compounds, including amino acids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, and alkaloids, were detected from different types of samples. The results demonstrated that the special and excellent physical characteristics of ballpoint tips allowed for fast and convenient sampling and ionization for mass spectrometry analysis by the BP-ESI-MS method.


