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Transition State Models for Understanding the Origin of Chiral Induction in Asymmetric Catalysis
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-21 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00053
Raghavan B. Sunoj 1

In asymmetric catalysis, a chiral catalyst bearing chiral center(s) is employed to impart chirality to developing stereogenic center(s). A rich and diverse set of chiral catalysts is now available in the repertoire of synthetic organic chemistry. The most recent trends point to the emergence of axially chiral catalysts based on binaphthyl motifs, in particular, BINOL-derived phosphoric acids and phosphoramidites. More fascinating ideas took shape in the form of cooperative multicatalysis wherein organo- and transition-metal catalysts are made to work in concert. At the heart of all such manifestations of asymmetric catalysis, classical or contemporary, is the stereodetermining transition state, which holds a perennial control over the stereochemical outcome of the catalytic process. Delving one step deeper, one would find that the origin of the stereoselectivity is delicately dependent on the relative stabilization of one transition state, responsible for the formation of the predominant stereoisomer, over the other transition state for the minor stereoisomer. The most frequently used working hypothesis to rationalize the experimentally observed stereoselectivity places an undue emphasis on steric factors and tends to regard the same as the origin of facial discrimination between the prochiral faces of the reacting partners. In light of the increasing number of asymmetric catalysts that rely on hydrogen bonding as well as other weak non-covalent interactions, it is important to take cognizance of the involvement of such interactions in the sterocontrolling transition states. Modern density functional theories offer a pragmatic and effective way to capture non-covalent interactions in transition states. Aided by the availability of such improved computational tools, it is quite timely that the molecular origin of stereoselectivity is subjected to more intelligible analysis.


