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Thermoelectric effect and its dependence on molecular length and sequence in single DNA molecules.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-Apr-15 , DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11294
Yueqi Li , Limin Xiang , Julio L. Palma , Yoshihiro Asai , Nongjian Tao

Studying the thermoelectric effect in DNA is important for unravelling charge transport mechanisms and for developing relevant applications of DNA molecules. Here we report a study of the thermoelectric effect in single DNA molecules. By varying the molecular length and sequence, we tune the charge transport in DNA to either a hopping- or tunnelling-dominated regimes. The thermoelectric effect is small and insensitive to the molecular length in the hopping regime. In contrast, the thermoelectric effect is large and sensitive to the length in the tunnelling regime. These findings indicate that one may control the thermoelectric effect in DNA by varying its sequence and length. We describe the experimental results in terms of hopping and tunnelling charge transport models.


